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colorado ballet

  • 景点介绍
  • colorado ballet
    Colorado Ballet is a non-profit organization celebrating 54 years of...
  • 景点印象
    • psyclin 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Having spent 10 years in Manhattan going to lots of dance, I was a snob about local ballet when I moved back to Denver. Wow, was I wrong. This is a very fine company--very strong dancers, nice programs, good venue and high quality productions with great costumes and sets. My favorite is their annual "Ballet Masterworks" mixed bill of more modern ballets. However, their classic offerings, like Swan Lake, are always first rate, and they really venture out with ballets like "Dracula."If you have any interest in dance or ballet, give them a look!
    • DeidreH136 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Denver does it right! The venue was simply amazing with multi levels, complete bar, friendly helpful ushers and staff, outstanding art throughout, small led strips on the back of each chair to assist the patron in following the performance, and then the dancers took the stage! Well rehearsed and passion driven the dancers of the Colorado Ballet told the legendary story of Dracula absolutely beautifully! Even the newest enthusiast to the world of dance will be mesmerized by their precision, beauty, and grace!
    • C8062YCpeterc 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      What a remarkable establishment. This and the performing arts center are a highlight to a Denver visit. Make sure you try the back stage coffee house it serves in my opinion the best coffee in America
    • ThomasW146 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      The stage scenes were extraordinary. The costumes and the dancers were great. Our seats were right up front.
    • CassinDenver 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      I have attended the Nutcracker every year during the holidays and I always look forward to it. Colorado ballet has so many talented performers and it is a perfect way to get in the holiday spirit. Dress up, grab a loved one and take the little girls in your life. It won't disappoint!
    • sbraun0101 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      I recently saw the opening performance of the Denver Ballet Nutcracker. Although some parts of the show were very beautiful and well done- breathtaking in beauty at times, many other parts were failures. The artistic director of the ballet has failed in her job, instead she tried for artsy and fake. The audience was also subdued and never became excited or participated in the ballet, most shows I have attended in other cities have the audience much more involved with the performance, laughing, clapping, and integrated into the wonder of the Nutcracker. One example which really shows the poor choices of the artistic director for the Colorado Ballet Nutcracker was the scene were the dancer throws a trumpet off-stage- possibly in disgust at trying to fake play? Numerous times throughout the show similar failures occured where the dancers were being asked to perform unrealistic movements that were just....fake. The Bozeman, Montana, ballet this week produced an excellent show with a much higher level of athlectic skill. The audience in Bozeman was also an integral part of the ballet and appropriately enjoyed clapping together with the orchestra, not a quiet and subdued audience like in Denver. I have also seen more than 10 times Nutcracker productions by the Cincinnati Ballet which were much more vibrant and higher quality ballet compared to the Denver show. The Denver Ballet should certainly be able to have more vibrant Chinese dancers, only three in the dragon and one dancer with a pole? Bozeman had 30 dancers on stage for the Chinese scene- it was great! The Russian step-dancer was a complete failure in Denver- only a couple tentative steps. In Bozeman the Russian dancers included dramatic twirls, flips, and long step dancing that hrilled the audience. I also wondered why an older adult is playing the role of Clara? This should be a local child. I understand that a child can not be expected to perform for the whole month but there are certainly plenty of dancers of Denver who could rotate through the role and preserve the integrity of the show, instead the Denver artistic director just selected adults for children's roles which seriously damaged the fun of the show.
    • Stugatsa 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      The Nutcracker performance was outstanding. Even with seats at the highest level, I had a great view of the performance. A beautiful venue with beautiful dancers.
    • cubfaninco 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      I can't speak for every production that they do...but we took a group to the Nutcracker. We even took a couple of guys you would never expect to go to a ballet. Let me just say that everyone loved it and the level of performance was extremely high. Just from the one production I have to conclude that they are a top notch ballet company.
    • WorldTraveler33388 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Looked for a school for my daughter to attend that would take older beginning students. Only school accepting those students was with the Colorado Ballet. They are surprisingly welcoming and great with all ages. My daughter couldn't be happier there. Also, saw CB's performance of "Dracula" and loved it.
    • MarciaW840 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      This is a special production and one that has become a favored tradition in our family. We love the music and the costumes.
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