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sugarland cellars winery

  • 景点介绍
  • sugarland cellars winery
  • 景点印象
    • wkelly5688 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

    • katiesparties 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

    • sandsschaffer 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      上周度蜜月,这条路线上的五家红酒庄我们都去过了。全都不错,但几乎都没给我留下深刻印象,除了这一家!在这里,品酒很享受,工作人员知识渊博,态度友好,虽然我跟我老公口味并不一样,但他们帮忙找到了一支我们都能喜欢的酒。Elkmont真的太赞了,买回去后那周,我们在公寓里喝掉了一整支,然后又折回酒庄再买了一瓶。这里有一个人很优秀,她就是Peggy。因为我们提出想参观一圈,于是Peggy就来了。她乐呵呵的,很友善,尤其是很了解那些酒。她给我们倒了一杯香槟喝,还耐心地给我们一一介绍了红酒制作过程,教我们区分橡木桶,等等。得知我们打算搬到田纳西后,她甚至还透露给我们哪些地方最适宜居住。我们俩都很感动。那周的一天,我们一起看电视,播到当地广告的时候,因为我半睡半醒,就听到我老公叫了一声Peggy!原来是一条关于Sugarland Cellars的特价广告出现了。(我很确定,参观的时候,有Peggy侃侃而谈,他大半时间估计连我叫什么都不记得了,哈哈)。谢谢你们,Peggy,Sugarland,我们留下了很美好的回忆。我们很快就会跟你们下订单啦!
    • lefty1956 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

    • dlcarnes 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

    • bnriddle 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      A group of friends and I went to this place originally to get a free corkscrew from a coupon we found in a magazine. BUT When we go there, they convinced us to do their free wine tasting and I'm so happy we agreed to do so! I do not like wine - at all. But the women helping us out, Brittany, gave us sweet wines that all of our group enjoyed! You get to try six different wines. She didn't push us to buy anything, and she made us aware of the Wine Trail that other wineries failed to mention. Brittany was an amazing hostess, so if you happen to stop in, ask for her! :D
    • 215tiffanit 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      YUMMY, good stuff, we always do tastings where ever we go and this was a good one. Enjoyed it all and have recommended to others
    • 124donm 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Always go here on a Gatlinburg trip. We enjoy the wine and Amanda is great hostess and very well versed in wine. We had to spend an extra day because of weather and went back a second time and were greeted as old friends. Can't say enough good things
    • Nana187 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      This winery is at the very end of Gatlinburg but well worth the time and effort to stop. Great wines. Free tastings. Some gift shop with wine accessories (very unique). Average price for a bottle of wine. Great wine. Be sure to stop.
    • lawgirl10 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      We stopped here as one of the things we wanted to do on our NYE trip to Gatlinburg. It's nice but the wine is not good. It probably is just the area/soil and maybe we are wine snobs having visited Napa and Sonoma. It was also very pricey.
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