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red tail mountain golf club

  • 景点介绍
  • red tail mountain golf club
    RedTail Mountain is located in Mountain City TN just minutes from Boone on...
  • 景点印象
    • karll598 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Thank you for taking time to write a review. I am delighted you enjoyed your stay, the food and golf. We are busy working on projects this winter including an indoor pool, tennis courts and rebuilding all the bunkers on the course. Look forward to having you back.
    • Jmhghr 图标 图标 图标 图标

      I am sorry you were disappointed. Not sure where you gathered your info but there is a misunderstanding and some statements are wrong!Concerning the statement of "religious backlash and the reduction in numbers for Sunday Brunch you have stopped serving cocktails and wine on a Sunday. So sorry to see that they have given in to the religious bigots in Mountain City and stopped serving alcohol." There has been NO RELIGIOUS BACKLASH, NO reduction in numbers and I don't understand the statement of giving in to religious bigots. Our Sunday brunch is very popular, continues to grow and is supported by the whole community ... church goers and non church goers alike. They are all welcome! "We can only hope that they shape up and stand up for themselves and continue to be a good restaurant , good bar and continue to be a great place to visit in Mountain City". There is also some wrong information here! We are fully licensed and permitted by the state to serve alcohol in fact the only place in our county that has a full license! BUT WE ARE NOT A BAR. We are a good restaurant that serves alcohol. No one has told us what to do. We applied to the state and got the license. We put up the $10,000 bond with the state for the privilege and we decide how we will use it in our restaurant. You can get alcohol on Sunday after 12:00 (thats the law)
    • edwinandrobin 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Glad you enjoyed the course! Next season you will see the improvements of the NEW bunkers! We are busy this winter digging them out and rebuilding them. You will also see other improvements when we reopen in April.
    • etay395 图标 图标 图标 图标

      I regret your experience was not what you expected. There are a number of good golf courses in the area called the high country but RedTail has long been recognized as the "best course in the high country" Last summer it rained almost every day and most courses suffered a loss in business from 30 to 50%. In fact some courses were forced to close from time to time because of all the water. It was extremely difficult to keep the course in good shape and impossible to keep it like we wanted. The cart path only holes were not random choices but because of the water on the course. Each day our grounds crew determined the holes that were dry enough for carts or needed to be cart path only. This was posted on the board in the pro shop and communicated by our staff. If this was not communicated to you properly I am sorry. There is never a time to be rude and if they were rude to you please accept my apology. Hopefully next year will be more like a normal year with not so much rain.
    • amountainlady 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Thanks. We are continuing to make improvements and will have the bunkers completed by April 2014 when we reopen for the season. Indoor pool, tennis courts and a few other improvements are also in the works.
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