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patsy cline memorial

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  • patsy cline memorial
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    • Shipbird1969 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Cruised through to pay homage to one my favorite country artist. Very simple memorial. Pay attention where you are. Very easy to get turned around on these country roads.
    • JamesW858 图标 图标 图标 图标

      If you are going through Camden, Tenn., then stop and spend about 5 minutes at this memorial. But unless you are a big Patsy Cline fan, you will likely be disappointed. It's easy to get to, IF you happen to see the sign. But the memorial itself is somewhat underwhelming - only a big rock at the bottom of a ravine. And when we were there the trail leading down the hill was in great need of weed trimming. And least I forget, the pamphlet you get at the Interstate highway rest areas does not give the directions to the place. If you are on Hwy 641 look for the McDonalds and the sign will be nearby. We went past it twice.
    • redqueen13 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Its out in the middle of the woods. The road getting there is narrow. Down a hill with no real way for a handicap person to get up or down. If can get to rock at the bottom, I found it to be a quite and spirited place.
    • KHudsonis 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Only if you remember the event when it happened or you are a hard core Patsy Kline fan will this site mean much. Don't forget the other country stars that perished here as well. Sobering site!
    • PhilandKathi 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Whether or not this site is worth the effort depends on your interest in Patsy Cline. It is about 30 miles off the interstate and NOT easy to get to. The "memorial" itself is a large rock at the end of a very long path down into a ravine where the plan crashed. Going DOWN the hill isn't too bad! Going back UP is a son-of-a-gun!! It is just about 30 minutes from Loretta Lynn's ranch, which made it worth the trip. If it hadn't been for that, we would never have gone. Like I said, if you're a big Patsy Cline fan, GO! If not, don't bother. There's nothing else there.
    • 3CarlaB 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Maybe country music hall of fame would take more interest. Needs more advertisement,no one knows where this is unless you happen to know a local and they take you there.
    • ittsybittsy 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Nothing exciting, not worth going far out of your way, but if you're driving through Camden anyway, it's neat.
    • Bonbonmontreal 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Camden is a small and fairly unremarkable town, located about 30 minutes off of I-40. As I was passing through Tennessee, wanting to see more than what was visible from the highway while traveling at 70 MPH, I thought I'd make a detour to see this sad site. I'd been a fan of Patsy Cline since my teenage years, and I'd seen the biographical movie "Sweet Dreams" about her life.As others have written, the memorial is about 3 1/2 miles away from the main part of the town. When you arrive, there is a small turnaround for a few cars. About 100 yards away is a sheltered area with a collection of news stories and articles about the plane crash. If you walk 5 minutes down a winding gravel path, you get to a rock on which the names of the 3 victims are etched. There is nothing else. The area is serene and quiet.If you're a big Patsy Cline fan and you're in the area, it's worth a visit, but I wouldn't necessarily recommend a special visit just to see the place.
    • Rickradio 图标 图标 图标 图标

      A bit difficult to find, but quite an awe-inspiring memorial. It could be better marked, and the upkeep is not so great, but it is certainly worth seeing. Read up on the story before going. Use a GPS or Mapquest, in order to make it easier to find. If you live close, it's a great Saturday or Sunday afternoon drive.
    • Dena61 图标 图标 图标 图标

      My husband and I recently moved to Tennessee and decided that we were going to take in some of the sites. This afternoon we made a pilgrimage to the crash site where the wonderfully talented Patsy Cline lost her life. It was a humbling experience to walk down that gravel path, going deeper into the woods until we reached the large stone that is carved with the names of the individuals who lost their lives in that tragic plane crash. My thoughts as I stood there ranged from what a tragedy and loss for not only their families but also for the fans, too what a legacy she left behind in her music. Take the time and make the effort, it's worth the walk!
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