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monitor and merrimac trail

  • 景点介绍
  • monitor and merrimac trail
  • 景点印象
    • MarkaChristian 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Mountain bikers: After you exit 191, 16 miles North of Moab, on Mill Canyon Road, you will go in 1/4 a mile and there will be a wash which on 12/4/14 was full of sand and got me stuck. It cost $195 to get winched out and AAA would not pay because it was off the pavement. Don't proceed on sand without a 4x4!
    • jules_travel55857 图标 图标 图标 图标

      We just did this trail a few days ago. It seems some heavy rains had been through recently and washed out a lot of the trail and we had to walk our bicycles about 1 mile through thick sands and eroded trail. Once on the slickrock the trail was well marked but there were many before we got to the slickrock times we got lost because of unclear trail marking. The trail also took us out at the wrong spot from where we began and we had to figure out how to get back to our car. Not a fun prospect for folks from out of town. It's a very pretty trail but not for biking unless better maintained. We did not have a fun experience on this trail.
    • beachbird123 图标 图标 图标 图标

      We have done this trail several times. This time we had a jeep and 4 ATV and we had a terrific day. Make sure you bring plenty of water and sunscreen because you are out in the open the whole time except when you go to Tusher Tunnel. The good part of this is that any skill level from novice to expert can enjoy this trail. The scenery is spectacular and you are not that far off the main roads even though you feel like you are in another world.
    • AlbertaS44 图标 图标 图标 图标

      These buttes look just like the two Civil War ships facing each other down. We stopped on the way to Dead Horse Canyon and took a short hike in the visitor area. They are huge and an quick, easy stop beside the road. You can hike down to the buttes--we just wanted a quick view before spending the afternoon at Dead Horse.
    • cindym576 图标 图标 图标 图标

      We bought one ATV and rented another from Highpoint. They recommended M&M Trail. It had lots of variety and hardly anyone on the trail, which we really liked. We first stopped to see some dinosaur bones in the rock, then stopped at Tusher Tunnel for a walk through and then Determination Towers before heading back. Total trip time was about 3 hours.
    • saydamarie 图标 图标 图标 图标

      This trail is relatively easy and has some great but easy slickrock riding. I saw a few young families out riding. Enjoyed the views and the setting. When we were there it was peaceful with not too many people out and about. As far as the trail goes for riding nothing is particularly technical however there are some sand traps - including some steep sections. Nothing that can't be walked through though. On the 2nd half of the loop there was more sand and if you are a confident rider you could probably zip right through it. The dinosaur trail is a worthwhile stop toward the end of the ride. I would do this ride again- especially if I brought new folks to the area.
    • 959beverlyc 图标 图标 图标 图标

      The Monitor and Merrimac Trail was almost deserted during our spring break vacation. The hardest part about it was having to get off our bikes and walk in places where the sand was too deep. Beautiful views of the vistas and LaSal Mountains.
    • CharlesM950 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Riding with Allen P from Solfun mountain biking tours was outrageously exciting while being safe and instructional--the best!
    • patc386 图标 图标 图标 图标

      This was the first stop of our visit in Canyonlands. We only ventured a few feet onto the trail and the views were great.
    • Lori783 图标 图标 图标 图标

      These are 2 huge rock formations in Canyonlands National Park. We visited in June of 2010. Early June was a good time because it wasn't too hot yet, like later in the summer. Always have water with you however. We stopped to view the Monitor and the Merrimac (named after the 2 battleships) on the way to The Island in the Sky part of Canyonlands. You see lots of rock, and more rock, and even more rock! Sometimes I had to remind myself I was still on Earth! I will post a couple pictures .
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