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zoo boise

  • 景点介绍
  • zoo boise
  • 景点印象
    • 103lisas103 图标 图标 图标 图标

      The Boise Zoo has undergone a tremendous transformation over the past several years. If you have not been to the Boise Zoo for awhile, treat yourself to a visit. If you live in Boise and have little ones, or grandchildren, you can't beat the family pass. The Zoo provides fun events throughout the year - which are covered with the pass and you get to skip the long lines to get in! The Boise Zoo is located in Julia Davis Park, home to several other wonderful Boise museums and is right on the Boise River and greenbelt. This is one of the reasons why we love Boise!
    • thinksafety05 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Nice enclosures. Friendly staff. They do a lot for conservation and the environment. They have great educational information on the animals.
    • JoelL321 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Zoo Boise is well run, clean, friendly and provides a great place for discovery, learning and relaxing. For visiting friends and family, it can't be beat.If you're a business looking for a cool venue for your next client appreciation event, chat up the folks at Zoo Boise. They can help you arrange just the ticket!
    • chrisbT9176HZ 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Lots of fun to be had here. Well laid out and easy to get around, great if you have someone who has difficulty with mobility. Make sure you feed the Giraffes!
    • BRJP310852 图标 图标 图标 图标

      I decdided to go to the Boise Zoo and to take some photos. Since it was clody and overcast on a working day there where only a handful amount of visitors so practically had the whole place to myself. A few of the exhibits were about and I noticed they were well fed and the conditions were very good. Small zoo but just nice to spend a lot of time and whilst I was there the sun showed up for about an hour and half and I also met some off the keepers who were very informative. All up pleasant day
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