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iowa state fairgrounds

  • 景点介绍
  • iowa state fairgrounds
    The internationally acclaimed Iowa State Fair is the single largest event...
  • 景点印象
    • 276DebF 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      love the funnel cakes, the ag building, the people watching, the beef and pork tents, and the free entertainment stages
    • IowaIrish 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      A family of 2 should be able to go to the fair, not the midway, for $100. Nope. Food takes up all of it. C'mon, it's hot dogs in corn meal and $6? Water, $5? The fair needs to take greater control over the prices charged especially the for-profit booths. As a family, I'm not sure we can afford to go anymore.
    • Mark31651 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      If you like fairs, this probably is one of the best if not the best. Variety is the key word, there is something for everyone at the Iowa State Fair, including a lot of walking (rides are available as well). There are air conditioned attractions as well as areas where you "enjoy" the Iowa August heat and humidity. Food is everywhere and of every variety as well. You can spend a lot of money or very little and still see some interesting exhibits. Dress very comfortably, expect to get dusty or muddy, tired, thirsty, and inspired. Parking is additional.
    • oduselexr 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      You will find a lot of the same things to look at that would normally be at any large state fair. I will say that the fair has a number of good concerts every year along with a number of free concerts that are usually pretty good. There is always a lot of fun to be had.
    • I7937DFdaveb 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Come to visit the Iowa State Fair. It is the best state fair in the nation. Enjoy the sites and the unique food.
    • 238susanw 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Iowa State Fair has a little something for everyone. From farming to floral arrangements. From photography to the best homemade quilts. From hertiage of Iowa and it's beauty to horses and grandstand shows. We have all the food you could think of eating on a stick. Like a pork chop on a stick to fried butter on a stick. Not to be out done by the butter cow, yes that's right a cow made out of butter. The midway has lots of rides and games to play, while there are free stages all around for more entertainment. 4H shows and talent shows everyday. Friendly people and lots of helping information stations to help you get where you want to go. Will take you more then one day to see it all.
    • 84debbiew 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Some much to see and do alot of walking lots of different types of food concerts are awesome we park at the capital and ride the bus so don't have to deal with parking at the fair
    • Moorepet 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      To some it is a crowded hot mess with over-priced greasy food. For me and my family it is America at its finest. Farming, arts, crafts, rides, music, food, inventions and numerous of other items. I do recommend purchasing entry ticket prior to the fair. I also enjoy the park and rides (at a discount with prepaid entry fee) but many in my family ( minus the kids) do not like the bus ride. It's not for everybody but I think you should try it at least once
    • RoadWarriorGirl75 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      With approximately 1 million visitors each year, there must be something special about the Iowa State Fair. The food, the animals, the concerts and the people-watching all make this annual event memorable. If you haven't spent a day at the fair, put it on your bucket list.
    • 442kathies 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      The opportunities for all visitors is nearly limitless. What ever you like to eat, you'll find in some form or another. The displays of art, livestock, agriculture and industry are high quality. The ways to be entertained are abundant from the large to the small stages. Demonstrations are taking place in every quadrant of the fair grounds. I love sitting on a bench and watching the glee in a child's face or the joy of a parent with their child. You also see a lot of talent from the various stages to the show ring and you can buy nearly everything on your food list, on a stick. You may need more than one day to see all your favorite events.
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