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minnesota history center

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  • minnesota history center
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    • EPISCOPAL 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Outstanding, History of Minnesota.One has to Experience on their own.everyone has a different point of view.
    • Pip18Wisconsin 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      George Morrison exhibit was on, the usual museum was interesting, cafe served good food and the research library is a great asset.
    • stacyh744 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      We were told they opened at 9:30am, we arrived though they didn't open any exhibits until 10am. The exhibits were nice but really geared toward younger people. There were some nice things to look at but mostly this is something the kids may be interested in going to for a couple hours, I wouldn't tour this as an adult looking for true history of the city. This to me was like a mini children museum specifically for history and some science.
    • altoalto 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      The History Center has something for everyone. It easily keeps kids entertained with interactive exhibits, such as a very fun tornado exhibit, but also has enough to keep adults engaged. It's a fun place to spend half a day and also has a good restaurant. In the summer, the museum presents free outdoor concerts and dancing on Tuesday nights. It sits high on a hill and offers beautiful views of Saint Paul.
    • marymarie14 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Free on Tuesdays after 5 PM. Small admission during other times. Great displays. Well documented history. Good layout with lots of room to handle large numbers
    • olsonj669 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      The Minnesota History Center is a amazing place. Start with the building. It is incredibly beautiful with gorgeous window views of the St. Paul Cathedral and Minnesota State Capital. Stop and have lunch on the first floor. The center sports a varied and delicious menu. On up to the displays. The building houses several permanent displays that are fascinating studies of Minnesota and US history. Also, the center features special displays such as one on The Prohibition which are filled with fascinating items and details. School aged children will especially benefit from the displays, but no one is to old to really learn about the history of our fine state and this country.
    • rachelc916 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      There are quite a few interactive exhibits and things to do for children. Also a great place for events, such as Retrorama!
    • ConnieS3 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Anyone interested in genealogy research needs to explore the libraries here. You can find birth, death records, pertinent information of Minnesota history, military records. Courteous staff to help you with your research. Good food in the cafeteria on the main floor,
    • Vieux_Voyageur 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Minnesota has a rich history. So much of it has been saved by these good folks. Lots of great interactive displays, a friendly knowledgeable staff. There is much to see and do, they also change exhibits so you can go more than once a year. It is well worth the cost of admission. They have discounts for Military and Seniors, and if I remember correctly Tuesday evenings are free. Little ones get in for free as well. Oh, and the restaurant by the main entrance is very good and reasonably priced. They have a vast collection of old photographs and artifacts on Minnesota, and these items are easily accessed if you wish to look through them helpful staff will assist. Also, if you have items from you grandparents, great grandparents, or even parents that go back to earlier decades I would strongly recommend that you donate them.
    • mikanni 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      While a Minnesota History Museum may sound dull, it has been a great destination for my kids throughout the years. The building itself is beautiful and has great views of St Paul. There are often quite a few interactive exhibits - trying to pull a plow through the dirt with an ox, climbing through the play grain tower structure, sitting in the tornado shelter, trying on winter boots, etc. They tend to have a nice mix of activities for little kids and learning for adults. Also - the restaurant by the entrance is quite good! Finally they have a great free summer concert series.
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