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the plummer building - mayo clinic historical suite

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  • the plummer building - mayo clinic historical suite
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    • alanw466 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      If you are at Mayo you will most likely have a lot of spare time between appointments. When you have an hour break go check out the Plumber Building, it has amazing architecture ion the facade and in the lobby. There is a tour of an original Mayo office as it was back in the day.
    • 321barbarat 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Excuisite exterior and interior architect with bold gargoyle corner sculptures at the corners of upper floors. Interior moldings and accents in gold. Originally housed on the 3rd floor are offices and library of Dr. Plummers . Top floor medical library.
    • JamRockLover 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      If you love history and antiques this is a must see building. Make sure you have one of the guides for the tour, they can tell you alot about the Mayo Family and the building. The bells are a must hear, especially if there is a bell concert scheduled! The library in the building is supposed to be for the Doctors but they do allow you to take a peak.
    • foolfortravel77 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      This is the building to see in Rochester. Inside and out it is amazing. Make sure to see the bronze doors.
    • joxxxxxjoxxxx 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      If you have a few minutes/or longer to spare while at Mayo go to the Plummer Building and check out Charlie and Will's old offices. It is wonderful that Mayo decided to preserve these and you won't be sorry you stopped by to get a look at the "roots" of Mayo Clinic.
    • 195RuthL 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      The two room historical suite was one of the original Mayo Brothers offices. Has a bit of furniture, a few old surgical instruments and 100's of pictures and documents in a poorly lit crunched space. The bronze front doors and Rococo ceiling in the front lobby of the building are more worthwhile.
    • margaretmM9421GA 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      If you have a spare 10-30 minutes -- it's definitely worth it to admire the architecture of this building. The elevator doors are my favorite. You should also check out the 14th floor library/reading room if you get the opportunity. (But may need a Mayo badge)
    • Mariche21 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      When one comes to Rochester and visits Mayo Clinic, there are several historic places to visit. The Plummer Building is right across the street and offers a good opportunity to see some of the earlier history of the clinic and its founders. It's a beautiful building and very interesting strictly from an architectural standpoint.Make sure to visit the library on the top of the building and pay attention to the details of the wood work and the beautiful elevators. In this building you will the find the original office of Dr. Mayo.
    • mugga49 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Mayo has a cousin across the street called the...Plumber Building.....Dr Plumber helped the Mayo Doctors build the dynasty....in the older days we gave blood in this building and received $25.00 to do so.......many labs were in the building......The Plumber House should be visited also to get the full effect of Dr. Plumber's history and guidance in the building of this historical event.
    • Myraclaire 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      I enjoyed the tour on the 2nd floor and the knowledge I gained strolling through the building. Did not know that this was the original Mayo Offices/Clinic. Seeing the History that is in this town is so exciting for me. My Family was here for 20+ years and made an impact on this town and I enjoy hearing the others that had an impact as well. Since I live in the area.
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