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assisi heights

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  • assisi heights
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    • 321barbarat 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      The Catholic Nuns lived here and collaborated with Dr. William Plummer to start St.Mary's Hospital. Wonderful chapel with fabulous acoustics for concerts.
    • 790felicityb 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      We attended 2 weeks of meetings here. Food was lovely, and the rooms were bright and airy. Nice that they were all on one level too. Would highly recommend.
    • Press-on-regardless 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      I participated in two days of workshops at Assisi Heights. This is a Franciscan Sisters mother house. It is very big and sits on top of the highest hill in Rochester with great views all around. They have one floor set up with meeting rooms. Nice electronics, LCD projector and computer to drive it. Motorized screens and white boards. Comfortable chairs. The caterers provide good meals with plenty of food. I enjoyed our two meals and got to see what folks in the other meeting rooms were having, and that looked good too. We had fajita makings with Spanish rice the first day, and sandwich fixings and pasta salad the second day. Very nice deserts. The Mayo Clinic uses them for a lot of meetings but there also seemed to be non-Mayo groups using them as well.
    • 2013Krenzke 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      if it was not for the assisi heights and the sisters, after the huge tornadoe outbreak in the late 1800's the Mayo Dr's needed people to assist them and buiold a hospital, but would not have help, the Sisters had the land where St. mary's is now they gave up some land to build and work with the Mayo Dr's. this is how it all started and miricles have been performed there many times over thanks to these ladies of Assisi and that great place, the Church is beautifu and mass is still going on, have fun touring around Rochester.
    • EldonEverhart 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Don't miss the Assisi Heights Convent. The stone buildings are located on a prominent hill overlooking Rochester. This is a beautiful, peaceful place with spectacular architecture. The entrance is an ornate lobby with slate floor, 60 foot tall Italian marble columns, and hand-blown stained glass windows from Germany. The very large granite columns are all identical in shape but of several different colors -- green, blue, brown, etc. Our guide was one of the sisters. She told us that Assisi Heights Convent is a 3-story Italian Romanesque building, the home of the Sisters of St. Francis. The structure bears a striking resemblance to the Basilica of St. Francis of Assisi in Italy.
    • mugga49 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      The Franciscan Sister's worked side by side with the Mayo Brother's to form St Mary's Hospital........the Sister's we're housed at Assisi Heights, and a spectacular view can be seen of Rochester when you drive up around the building. It has an emergency disater area under the building to help in floods, disaters as the like....very interesting to learn and see how the Sister's lived.......they helped in surgery also....a formidable ali in the making of the Mayo KINGDOM.....come see us...
    • duffydog100 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      The story of Assisi Heights and its place in Rochester history was amazing. Our tour guide was one of the nuns who was one of the most fascinating women I have ever met. Don't miss the chance to visit this wonderful place.
    • danaknaak 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Be respectful, enjoy the views and architecture. Beauty and peace at its best. Learn the history, it will blow you away. Don't miss the chapel. A visit that could change your life. Be open
    • Mariche21 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      This is a peaceful place were you can go for a walk in the gardens or for an spiritual retreat. THe chapel is very nice and quiet. We have attend music concerts in there and is beautiful
    • rtjjeda7 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      The sisters were so friendly. The place gave you such a peaceful feeling after being in Mayo all day.
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