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this old farm

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  • this old farm
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    • NEMPLS3 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Paul Bunyan Center is an absolute blast. My daughter enjoys it and she's 15 years old. (we've been going there every August for the last four years) Talking with Paul is a great experience although my young niece was quite freaked out by it and took a wide berth to avoid visiting with him.There are a few rides and you can ride them as many times as want. (don't expect Valley Fair) Older kids that have an appreciation for a more old fashioned amusement center will love the rides and other attractions. The spook house is creepy and the haunted mine shaft is a hoot. Riding the train is a must.Being able to check out This Old Farm (admission covers both areas) is a good deal. We find it very easy to hang out for a few hours. Very laid back park - great place to relax.The staff are helpful. The family that owns it takes obvious pride in their park.
    • LisaP530 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Paul Bunyan does a good job of remembering people's names when they walk by. It's a nice simple place to spend a day and let younger kids burn some energy. Good old-fashioned, small town carnival fun.
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