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newark public library

  • 景点介绍
  • newark public library
  • 景点印象
    • paolomuto 图标 图标 图标 图标

      The Newark Public Library is a bit of a classic Newark experience. The building has the exquisite touches of a bygone era, with lovely architecture, murals, atrium and vaulted ceilings. Exhibit cases around the atrium on each floor feature Afro-American figures in literature and poetry as well as the settlement history of New Jersey. It appears that most of the investment in the building has gone into public internet facilities. I was more interested in the book collections, which unfortunately have been sadly neglected. This proved to be a bit of a mixed blessing. The book section appears to have been virtually untouched in decades, but digging a bit deeper, one realises that there is a an incredible wealth of books in the collection. I lament the dumbing down of many public libraries where collections are streamlined to only the most popular or contemporary books. I dread to think what would happen if they did decide to "upgrade" the collection at the Newark Public Library. I suspect many of the gems would end up in the rubbish bin and we would be left with modern shelving and a streamlined collection. This is one institution that may have actually benefited from underinvestment. It would be nice to see more investment in such a classic building, but please recognise the gem that it is.
    • johnwK627XJ 图标 图标 图标 图标

      This public library has an amazing collection of all kinds of books in all range, neatly-arranged. Still couldn't understand why the residents here didn't even bother to pay a visit here regularly ....
    • wosubridges 图标 图标 图标 图标

      This classic structure houses many books and audiovisual resources for history especially of minority population. Unfortunately it is not used maximally by Newark's residents.
    • mtboothby 图标 图标 图标 图标

      This neat old building usually has great displays and a great reference collection for the genealogist.
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