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long live paintball

  • 景点介绍
  • long live paintball
  • 景点印象
    • tkas 图标 图标 图标 图标

      The asset to this place, which makes it shine above the others is the staff.Shaun and Robert particularly stood out as super customer service oriented individuals. We went the Saturday after Christmas, a day they didn't expect to be nearly sixty degrees and crowded. Because much of the staff had been given the day off, these two men had to work extra hard, and their efforts paid off. I didn't notice a shortness of staff at all, and hours after I had paid, Shaun still referred to me by my name when he saw me, and Robert sought me out to ask if my boys were having fun.We went to this place, which is farther from my home than another paintball place, because we purchased a Groupon deal. We did still have to pay for coveralls, tax, and a box of additional paintballs (my choice to purchase), so the entire day for two teenage boys ended up costing around $100, but there was no time limit, and if they hadn't been worn down by their fierce battles by 3:00, they could've stayed and played all day.We will definitely return, not because of the cost, or because the place is any better than other paintball establishments, but because the workers were courteous, considerate, and really care about their customers.
    • kv_and_sv 图标 图标 图标 图标

      three adults and seven teenagers spent the day here in late November to celebrate a 16th birthday. all the guys had a GREAT time and we will definitely be going back.
    • Experienzz 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Wish could rate lower. Never been treated worst, staff response to our presence had a racist undertone to it. we were yelled upon by the staff, asked to step out of the office and wait outside, which we did without even saying a word (literally a word), and the door was slammed on our face. After about 10 mins of waiting outside we went back in, tried to reason with them but were threatened with consequences if we did not leave. You decide , is it worth going to such a place.
    • joee369 图标 图标 图标 图标

      We really had a great time here. The staff was very helpful and got us started right. We will be back next year!
    • rutansh 图标 图标 图标 图标

      I was looking for reviews for this place, and didn't find on tripAdvisor. I took my chaces and went for paintball with my group. And, it was lots of fun!! So, I have to request TA to add this place for review ;-)All in our group were first timer, we rented gears and suit and opted for private field with some extra money. They have 4-5 fields, that may be small-or-less for pros - but for beginners, its perfect. I liked the 'woods' field the most. The team there is very friendly, gave us good guidance and some useful tips for safety. Our referee James was very good and made sure that we always had a field to play, while rotating with other groups. The place is very basic in terms of facilities. No changing rooms or full-fledged bathrooms, but just porta-potty. Bring your own food, if staying for full day. Do not park right next to the fields, otherwise your car would also get some paints. (They have protecting nets, but still...) Be prepared for long-fun-day. I would surely like to go there again...long live paintball!
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