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inspiration point

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  • inspiration point
  • 景点印象
    • LeaveNothing 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      爬到这个半山顶部,视野开阔,可以远眺山和jenny lake的全景,背面是雪山,如果还想再走走有几英里的trail,据说路上很多熊和moose,走了一小点不敢挑战走完了
    • mooreattitude 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      This trail is breathtaking. Completely worth the trek. We were too early for the hiker boat, so we walked around Jenny Lake to the start of the trail. It added some extra miles, but the views are stunning. Hear elk bugling on the mountainside. Continued on to Hidden falls (very beautiful). Then went up and up and up until we hit Inspiration point. The view is stunning and is a great place to stop and have a snack before heading on or heading back down. Take the hiker boat across the lake on your way back and enjoy a new perspective.
    • Fyrestorm82 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      I have done this hike a few times and boy does the time of year make the difference. We hiked it in July of 2014 and it was like a Disney world line. There was a solid stream of people coming up and down. When it's like that it doesn't have the feel of a hike in the mountains. It feels like your in line at a major theme park ride. So, when we hiked it previously in the off season and had it to ourselves we were quite disappointed this July. We continued into Cascade Canyon a few miles and did get away from 2/3 of the people to get that feel. But we had to join the herd on the way back. Won't ever hike this again during peak season. Inspiration Point is not a view of the Tetons , but a view east over Jenny Lake. Very pretty.
    • redwolf275 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      If you're the average tourist, you'll probably put a trip to Jenny Lake and the hike up to Hidden Falls on your Grand Teton bucket list. And for good reason, this is one of the most popular spots in the park and the trail is so worn that the NPS are undertaking a major restoration. However, if you're like our group, considering the hike up to Hidden Falls, (especially if you're bribing your young children along), you'll wonder whether it's worth that extra 1/4 mile up a steep hill to the view. I can't tell you if it's worth it or not, but let me describe the hike and you can make your own decision.We noticed that people of all ages and fitness levels were making the hike. You can hike in sneakers, but I would really recommend hiking footwear as it would be too easy to twist your ankle on the rocky terrain.From Hidden Falls, you'll walk across the stream on a bridge and start the slog up the hill. It is steep but the terrain is more varied than the hike from the dock to the falls. As you get about half way, the trees thin out on the rocky soil and you'll have glimpses of the view. Dozens of ground squirrels showed us how they were quite accustomed to having people around, and watching their antics was entertaining for the younger members of our group. Resist the urge to feed them however as it is unsafe for you and them, is also unlawful, and in the long run causes them to depend on humans for food. In the winter, when there are no humans around, they suffer from a lack of food.We also saw two marmots, one of which sat on a rock and stared at my daughter for about five minutes as she took its picture.A little farther up the path, and just below the end, you have to walk along a three or four foot rocky ledge. This is probably the scariest part, and if anyone in your group are afraid of heights, they might have a problem with this 100 foot stretch.The view from the Point is across Jenny Lake and doesn't feature the Teton range. It's still an excellent view of the lake and valley.In the end, I felt the hike was worth the view, although the view wasn't quite what I'd hoped for. With a name like Inspiration Point, I suppose I was hoping for something more like Yosemite.
    • cardbucfan 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      We road the Jenny Lake shuttle boat and hiked up to Hidden Falls and Inspiration Point. There is a little bit of scrambling at one place on the hike and for those that don't like heights (ME!) it was unexpected. But, we managed and the view is beautiful. Several folks set up on the rocks and had a little picnic looking out over the lake. You have to be mindful of oblivious people in your photos but it's definitely worthwhile.
    • LizO_12 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      We took the hiker's boat across the lake, which shortened the hike. There is a 650 elev. climb, but all types of people were doing it. It does get very narrow close to the top. You should definitely wear hiking shoes.
    • Xaurtjay 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Nice hike for a great view. Does need better signage. We thought we were at the point and realized a little later the it was up a bit more on the trail.
    • luker205 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Came to Inspiration Point after going around the trail for 1/2 of Jenny Lake. It's a great view, but mainly of the other mountains in the distance. The view of the actual Tetons is somewhat obstructed by trees. Still great, just not entirely what was expected. The hike up is relatively short (10-15 minutes from the Jenny Lake trail) but pretty steep the whole way. There are also some fairly sharp drop-offs, so if you're afraid of heights be aware of that (we passed by one lady who was momentarily paralyzed by her fear of the drop - you can still go up, just be cautious and have someone with you if you think you might have a problem).
    • Loucardsfan 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Every turn you take in this park is another beautiful site. This one is not to be missed. We took the Jenny Lake ferry and were at the dock in about 10 minutes. From there it is a pretty steep climb up to Inspiration Point, especially after the Hidden Falls. The path is well traveled, so you will probably have some company. Lots of wildflowers to see along the way, too. Your reward is the panoramic view of the pines, lake and valley beyond.
    • qwertyu928 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      We hiked around the lake instead of taking the boat. This was a mistake because it is a very long hike on a very rocky path. I think they are renovating the trails so it may be better in the future. We saw the waterfall which was very pretty but did not want to walk up to the point because it looked like a narrow road up the side of a mountain. I thought it was too dangerous for kids but I saw many crazy parents bringing their kids up there.
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