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hermitage point

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  • hermitage point
  • 景点印象
    • allisonl324 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Follow the crane prints for stunning views along the way to the best picnic spot in Grand Tetons. You'll see lakes, beaver lodges, wild life, mountains on your way to Hermitage Point. Be sure to bring plenty of water and a lots of goodies for a yummy meal at my favorite spot in the Tetons.
    • RichieRock 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Did the full loop taking in Heron Pond, Hermitage Point itself and Swan Lake. It was mid-September and Colter Bay was wonderfully quiet and bug-free, and so was the trail. We were staying in the Cabins so it was great to be able to have a day without using the car.The walk is mostly through woods, opening out with wonderful views of the mountains across the lake at the Point. We saw quite a few interesting birds and small animals and swans on Swan Lake. No bears!Taking a leisurely pace and taking a picnic, this walk took us the whole day.
    • wandago 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      went in september. Very few people. Mostly shaded. Saw a little wild life-- deer. Clapping a lot to avoid bear. Didn't hike all the way..only to Heron Pond then back via Swan lake. But one can go further and make it a long day hike. Will do that next time.
    • KJ720 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      The trail system for Hermitage point gives you many options and you can lengthen or shorten the hike to your liking. We ended up with about 9.9 miles. There are a few problems as the trail is shared with horses and like many of the attractions here in the summer, you will need a good deal of bug spray and water (it can get hot in July). I addition to the many viewpoints of the surrounding peaks, we also stumbled upon a bald eagle and a number of small critters. We didn't see any bears, but had the bear spray just in case. The hike has a few minor slopes but nothing too serious.
    • terrapinproud 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      On one hand this is a really nice hike. Relatively flat. Lots of variety. Great views. We even saw a moose on one outing. The thing that brings it back to just average are the mosquitos. In summer, which is the only time we've taken this hike, they are always there and often they are brutal. On our most recent hike they were full force, no humanly acceptable level of Deet seemed to work. We just ended up smelling like bug spray and getting eaten alive. Would love to know if there is a better season to hike this trail because it does have a lot to offer. That said, I doubt we'll be back in summer.
    • OLDclimber 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Yes there are likely to be mosquitoes in July. Yes it is mostly level but long (9.8 mi.) Yes there are excellent views at various spots along the trail. Yes, you will not meet very many people - if you want people go to Perspiration Point/Cascade Canyon. We often ski it in winter. In fall you may meet bears. We always tell our visitors to carry bear spray no matter what.
    • Joanna6 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      This is a moderate hike that takes you through shaded areas with pine/aspen and sunny areas with sagebrush. At the midpoint you have a fantastic view of the Tetons.
    • fun2travel68 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      We decided to avoid the crowds and hike a less popular trail. The best part of Hermitage Point is that there's hardly anyone else there. The trail is flat and winds through the trees alongside Heron Lake with a STUNNING view of the mountains. We took a shortcut halfway through and then hiked back along Swan Lake which is a perfect place for moose sighting since the lake is filled with algae.Since you're hiking near lakes, of course there will be flying insects. We didn't have a problem with mosquitoes as much as the big, irritating buzzing flies. Bring bug repellant!Hermitage Point has two trails -- one for horses and one for hikers. It's clear that some riders don't read the signs and use both trails, so you do have to watch out for mounds of poop. But that's true for any trail in Yellowstone or Teton Park since wild animals share the space with tourists.The wildflowers are prolific and the lakes are nearly covered in huge lily pads. It's a gorgeous piece of country. Enjoy the solitude and take the road less travelled!
    • 640sarahx 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      The hike to Hermitage Point does not have a lot of elevation changes, but it is long (9.8 miles loop). There are MANY beautiful lakes along the way, and the point itself, looking at the peaks across the Jackson Lake, it pretty. However, mosquitos are a huge problem for up to 6 weeks after snow melts (which, in 2011, an abnormally late snow-melt year, included late Aug.), and we were about mauled - the ranger said usually by that time it shouldn't be a problem any more. So just in case, bring lots of bug repellent.
    • wiesmant 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Not my favorite hike. The trail is partly shared with horses. The bugs were insane!
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