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museum of texas tech university

  • 景点介绍
  • museum of texas tech university
  • 景点印象
    • AliCat26 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      This museum had at least a little of everything: regional natural history (including dinosaurs), local history, American art, and international art and artifacts. We ended up spending more time than I expected--a good hour and a half. And that included just skimming a couple of galleries. I especially enjoyed some of the western art and the art by illustrator/artist N.C. Wyeth. Admission was free, and the staff was friendly. I wish we'd had time to check out the planetarium--hopefully next time.
    • VanEsq12 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      If you like Remington pieces or paintings that capture life of the American West and cowboys, this museum is for you! There are all sorts of artifacts to look at. Everything from early Native American pieces, to ancient animals who roamed this land before settlers arrived, to daily living pieces like clothing, machinery and work implements. I have been coming to this museum for more than 20 years, and I always learn something new. There is a planetarium on site that is both informative and affordable. An excellent way to spend a hot, Texas afternoon!
    • IloveLubbock 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      On occasion there is a good temporary display, and the area dedicated to the history of Lubbock is interesting, but the staff is disengaged and a lot of the regular collection is uninspiring. I did enjoy the "Little Black Dress" display although most of the dresses were full-length gowns and there was an exhibit made up of press photos of US presidents that was excellent.
    • SusanJ972 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      I loved this museum so much, I returned for a second day. There is a wonderful natural history section with animals of Texas, past and present. Really interesting dinosaur exhibit. There is interactive display of plate tectonics that mesmerized me for about an hour. And then, there is fabulous art exhibits that focus on artists of TX NM AZ. Texas Tech has done a great job with this museum.
    • S8427RTchrism 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Always knowing this museum was here in Lubbock but never really taking time to appreciate it, we came in one cool afternoon for something to occupy out time. We were not lead astray by our trip. Only having time for part of the multi gallery museum, we were able to see a very wide selection of Native American pottery and art work from the southwest and South America. We cannot wait to return to finish walking around this free and cultural enriching center.
    • Fayechiru 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Free admission and wonderful exhibits. You couldn't really ask for anything more to to with your family. They have wonderful art on display, endangered and near extinct species, dinosaurs, Native American history, WWII history and African history exhibits. They have discovery centers for children and hands-on stations to help teach children about history and science. It was a free date for my husband and me, but it is perfect for family-day-outs.
    • FungC 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      You can't compare this to a world class museum like the British Museum or anything like that. However, it has free entry and a wide variety of exhibits. The first, central gallery has displays of full-size T. rex and Triceratops skeletal replicas. Then the other galleries have lots of art collections and other topics related to Lubbock and Texas - southern plains cultures, Lubbock history, Ice age on the plains, etc. Overall, this is a great museum that's very educational. Second floor is currently closed.
    • 513jeffh 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      This museum has no admission fee! It features an excellent collection of dinosaur displays. It also has an extensive display of historical and modern Native American pottery and art objects.
    • donaldp413 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      The Museum of Texas Tech University is awesome. It is free. Great exhibits. The grounds are beautiful. It should be on your list to do when you visit Lubbock. A great asset to Lubbock.
    • FacePainter2014 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      A wonderful addition to our community. A great place to take the kids and grandkids and expose them to new and exciting adventures. Also a good place to work on "manners", kinda like being quite and respectful at the library.
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