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armstrong browning library

  • 景点介绍
  • armstrong browning library
    The Armstrong Browning Library, free and open to the public, is located on...
  • 景点印象
    • 1976Bill 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      A-B Library is an outstanding place to visit often. One comes away with a greater appreciation for the Brownings.
    • nolatrikelady 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Any fan of the Brownings should try to visit this museum at least once in their lives. They had an exhibit with other Browning contemporaries while we were there. Saw actual correspondence written by Tennyson, Dickens, Whittier, and others. The building is beautiful and there is no admission.
    • GilesB157 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Undeniably this is an impressive and finely crafted building, in an exquisite and peaceful setting, and staffed by delightfully courteous and enthusiastic folk. However, the core justification for this shrine's creation was surely to communicate the literary and living significance of the two poets, not to deify them with arcane memorabilia and tenuous associations. If this museum indeed possesses the ultimate Browning collection, it should be taking professional advice on how to ensure that departing visitors leave excited and stimulated. Modern curating expertise would suggest presentation strategies and narrative approaches that could make this museum show a spirit beyond a shell.
    • rrs517 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Incredible history with lots of artifacts from Robert and Elizabeth Browning. Easy parking. Exterior nothing special. Awesome displays including a large number of stained glass windows. We spent an hour but for a Browning researcher this library would be like dying and going to heaven.
    • Hollydama 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      It was beautiful! We were unable to see the entire building, but would love to come back for it. It is dedicated to Robert and Elizabeth Barrett Browning's literature and lives. It includes an entire room from their house (which I was unable to see), man beautiful stained glass windows with literature quotes, books, memorabilia, art. Built beautifully!
    • 932JB 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      I have really no interest in the three famous literary Brownings (or in poetry) but found the interior of the building beautiful with the many stained glass windows and decorative wood, stone, painted ceilings etc. Like an American Cathedral. A lot of time and effort has gone in to this place. Free! Especially good to go when Baylor id out of school as you can talk without bothering studying students. No vist to Baylor or Waco should skip this place, can park right nearby (in the summer) and even if you only have 30 minutes it's worthwhile
    • TexasRedRaider 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      It is a relatively small library, but it is beautiful. The marble and glass make for a special interior. No wonder it's so popular for wedding photos.
    • KathleenS589 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      The library is absolutely spectacular. The architecture is breathtaking. This is one of the most beautiful buildings certainly in Texas, perhaps the entire country. There are some very interesting exhibits, but it is the building itself that is worth seeing. Dark and cool on a hot day. Curator is a lovely gentleman, speak up when you ask him a question! Have lunch in the flower garden. Ahhhhh, everything will taste better. These students don't know how lucky they are.
    • Yodatravel 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      This is a gem on the Baylor campus and many students don't even know it exists. it contains many original works and artifacts of Robert and Elizabeth Browning, including their furniture relating to many of their love poems. It's history in Waco that few know about but should visit.
    • LSU1976 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      My friend and I agreed that visiting this library was the highlight of our weekend in Waco! The stain glass collection is lovely as is the collection of Wedgewood pottery. We enjoyed the large collection of Robert and Elizabeth Barrett Browning poetry, their personal collection of books, paintings and other artifacts. I look forward to returning some day! Allow plenty of time for browsing.
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