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the plaid peacock

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  • the plaid peacock
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    • KylesDad 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      This seems like the perfect place to find a birthday present for someone who is hard to shop for. very crafty with lots of very unique gifts. As with everything quality comes at a price. My daughter absolutely loves coming here with a bad case of " I wants"
    • clr1966 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Have been several times and love that it's booths and not someone hovering around trying to sell you something. Always find great gifts for women, babies, teens and ME! They have a few things men might like too - college or game day stuff but each booth is unique and filled with new and handmade items. Anytime I want a gift for someone, I never go anywhere else. I think one of my favorite things...the Bellini Slushy at the front! Love this place!
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