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hermitage museum and gardens

  • 景点介绍
  • hermitage museum and gardens
    The Hermitage Museum & Gardens, formerly home to the Sloane family, is an...
  • 景点印象
    • Mellietex 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      What a find!! We were too late for the concert, and in searching for something to fill the afternoon within a short distance of ODU, saw a small sign for this museum. The spacious grounds alone are beautiful, right on the river. Once inside the old home, you are are drawn to its unque woodcarved doors, ornate English windows and the intimate surroundings of an elegant art collection from around the world( not just paintings). We were alone on a cold Sunday. Upstairs are the revolving exhibitions and we wandered old bedrooms full of fantastic new creations.. Try to get there before the one entitled "Strings" is gone. One room is very touchable, and children are invited to play in it,.although this is not a childrens museum. Take them when it is Spring and let them wander around the old windmill/wood shop. It is associated with the Smithsonian.Inside admission is only $5.00.
    • ColM262 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      I had a beautiful Christmas time visit with a neighbor. Such a gorgeous warm evening to walk around and take in the grounds. Bruce Munro's light show was spectacular. I have seen many light art displays while I surf the internet, they seem to be popular in Europe. I was so surprised to see one offered in Norfolk! When the Hermitage was originally built as a summer cottage, the owner was a great lover of art and passionate about sharing things she had purchased and learned about. It was very nice to see that this museum continues to attempt to expose people to unique works of art. The house tour and Asian art collection inside was incredible. If you enjoy wooodworking or blacksmithing the house itself will delight you. As we were leaving, passing by the first display, which were many large columns of brightly colored lights, there were silhouettes of many people, roaming in and out around the columns. At one point, the outlines of several younger kids were darting around the light columns having a blast, their laughter filling the air. Everything about this evening was perfect. I'm excited to go back and see the grounds and gardens of the Hermitage during warmer months.
    • RGK51 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      My wife and I went to the Hermitage to see the Munro light show and were surprised to see that the admission included a tour of the Hermitage home. Event though it's Christmas time, the light show is certainly not a collection of Christmas lights. His work of approximately a dozen "pieces" should be considered sculptures in light. At least one is over an acre in size. The Hermitage opens at dusk and the lights are best seen after dark so you should take a flashlight to to help find your way around the paths and read the descriptions of each sculpture. While there, be sure to take in the home that is now converted into an art gallery. This is a must see for anyone who appreciates fine architectural wood carving. Most every room, contains articles of art collected by the owners and beautiful hand carved paneling, molding, and other architectural features.
    • ShawnS656 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      I took my entire family to the Hermitage in Norfolk last night for the "LIGHT ART SHOW" by Brune Munro. The museum opens at 4PM daily for this event (see their web sight) for this limited time display. However, the Museum - actually the house - is filled with art and fantastic handmade woodworks abound. A real treat right in the City of Norfolk. Definitely a treat for those who enjoy art and architecture.
    • boxshop 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      This event was visually spectacular. It is amazing to step back and take this all in.The amount of work the volunteers put in to produce this event is incredible. The guitarist were truly wonderful. They performed unique pieces. Touring the Hermitage is always amazing to think we have this beautiful museum with such elaborate collections the Sloan's put together.A true gem of Norfolk.Do not miss this event.
    • mulgrew 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      my son and I had a great time visiting this location lots to see and we learnt a great deal, the gardens are a pleasant time just to walk around, just bring lots of water on a hot day
    • LutriciaG 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      We went with a group of our friends.This was a very interesting museum in Norfolk of the Lafayette River.We had a wonderful tour guide who took us around and told us about the history of this beautiful old house.It was all very interesting to hear about and see.They also have beautiful flower gardens that you can tour on your own.
    • Rainy412 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Loved touring this facility and learning about the family who lived there. The home is spectacular as well as the grounds. The water view was beautiful.
    • 698ronaldf 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      What a beautiful setting for an outdoor wedding. It was very peaceful and quiet. Such a lovely setting next to the water. The gardens were the perfect spot for our neice to get married. I loved the cobblestone walks. Since It was an evening wedding, we were traveling from South Carolina that day. I'm sorry that we didn't get there in time to tour the museum. If we're ever in this area again, we would definately take the tour.
    • H5975QMmarys 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      This is a must-see attraction if you enjoy visiting historic homes and properties. The fascinating docent-led tour includes stories of family, art and architecture. The gardens are beautiful and the house itself is built on the lovely waterfront. All told, it is a very satisfying experience.
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