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sherwood forest plantation

  • 景点介绍
  • sherwood forest plantation
  • 景点印象
    • RichardT890 图标 图标 图标 图标

      As a regular visitor to the United States, we enjoy all and anything to do with the Presidents. So as this was once John Tyler's home, it was a must.Well we tried ringing to try and make an appointment to view the house, but discovered from locals later that they rarely answer the phone (?) So we just turned up, paid the fee (an honesty box on the gate) and did a self guided tour of the grounds. Interesting, depending upon your desire to 'tick all the Presidential boxes'
    • Rostman 图标 图标 图标 图标

      We came across this plantation while traveling to visit another specific plantation. This is the home of President Tyler, and his grandson, in his 80s, still lives here. I understand he will chat with you if you see him and ask questions. Donations are accepted to tour the grounds, and home tours are by appointment. The brochure you get for the self guided tour is very informative. On you way to visit more popular plantations, be sure to spend at least an hour touring this one!!
    • JamesW37 图标 图标 图标 图标

      My family and I determined a couple years ago we would visit at least one presidential site for each U.S. President. For Tyler, the Sherwood Forest Plantation is it. At first, I choked a little on the tour cost, $35 per person. But, it was worth the tour. We went through the home and then the grounds. There are amazing pieces of history throughout the house - even the trees and shrubs have a history. Some of this history dates back to almost 400 years ago. There is history concerning the first settlers, his Presidency, and the Civil War. I know that Tyler was not a well known, and, was not a loved President. However, his story was one that I won't forget. Call in advance to schedule the tour - I called at least 2 months ahead, and then worked out to the hour of the visit a week or so in advance. Tim is the fellow's name that I worked out the tour with, and, he did a great job going through history, folklore and family tales! My kids, ages 10-17 liked the tour as well.
    • MNM1011 图标 图标 图标 图标

      We pulled up to the entrance of this planation and found that the entrance fee included only a self-guided tour of the grounds. To get inside you must make reservations and the fee for that is $35. That was news to us...somehow we missed that information on the webside.We went ahead and paid our $10 (no discounts for seniors) and toured the grounds. Lots of information is included on the brochure and we did enjoy the grounds, particularly the old old trees planted by President Tyler.
    • Chris121271 图标 图标 图标 图标

      We enjoy visiting plantations so we stopped at this one on the way to Lynchburg, VA. This is a self guided tour. You park and place your $10.00per person in a box and take a paper which tells you about the stops you will visit while walking the plantation. While we enjoyed the tour it was only for the outside of the home. To tour the home it costs $35.00 per person and there was a phone number there to call to schedule your inside tour. We did not visit all the stops as it had recently rained and the ground was soggy. Some of the places you could visit were in marshy places and you were told to stay on the trail. Since it was so wet we decided not to venture near the marsh.
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