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yale university

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  • yale university
  • 景点印象
    • yunyousifang 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

    • Bombi12 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Yale is a place that is unforgettable. The charm of the campus, the buildings which represent the history & character of this uni. The library - just sitting in the reading room made me smarter. The Music buildings- how charming to feel the passion & creativity which are expressed through vocals & instruments. The old Yale Shop - everything Yale that cements the spirit of this community.
    • celestem228 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      This is a treat. Rare old buildings, interesting sculptures in hidden places, lovely little greens glimpsed through old stone archways. A great way to spend a sunny afternoon. Try to find your way up to the top of one of the towers to get an amazing look at the whole layout.The Women's Table, the live Chess game, many other delights...A place I've visited many times over the 40 = years I've lived in NH.
    • 2teens 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      This is a beautiful, old and scenic campus with really lovely architecture. It's probably best to sign up for a campus tour; or, if you have a personal connection, tour with someone affiliated with the university.
    • ppbenji 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      the architecture is kind of magical bringing to mixed opulent decadence of Connecticut, undergraduates tours are always nice, with much history, anecdotes, great education and nice people without attitude, the visit is worthy any time of the year, Yale always welcomes you...
    • Apichana85 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Yale Uni is so impressive!!! It is big, beautiful and a lot of history. We took a tour about 45 minutes around Yale. The building architect is very unique and beautiful.
    • mg100 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Started at the visitors for an entertaining video about Yale and its resident colleges - good explanation of how the ampus works. The group was so big - which surprised us considering how cold it was - that they split us into 2. We had a pre-med student take us around to various buildings and sites. She was so happy to be there and impart any information she had. Intersperesed with her personal impressions which made it more interesting. She had a lot of recommendations which were helpful. The libraries were incredible.wish we could have spent more time - too cold to go back and we were unable to find parking close to the buildings.
    • DevLen33113 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      You have to bring a camera and notebook to remember everything that you see. Then pick out a few favorites to visit at your leisure. The third oldest college in America and one of the most beautiful in the country. Guided tours are given by students leaving from Payne Whitney Gymnasium and free of charge. Starting with Payne Whitney itself, the second largest gymnasium in the world, with it's several city block long building which houses a three story exhibition swimming pool on the ground floor with a running track around the upper viewing area. Even more amazing is the Olympic sized swimming pool on the third floor! Imagine the weight being supporting the 50 meter pool of water and it's retractable wall to change the size of the pool. There are indoor eight-man rowing tanks inside with water currents that can be adjusted for speed and even reversed. You will walk the entire Yale University footprint in the city of New Haven and marvel at the great artwork that Master Stonemasons cut into the buildings. Look up for gargoyles and mythical creatures on the structures. The history of the University is truly amazing and you will repeat your visit many times.
    • Zaprashka 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Brought my middle schooler here for the Girls' Science Investigations program. Beautiful and historical place. Really great chance to see the campus, even in the snow. Can't wait to visit and explore more of the university.
    • 197stephaniev 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      It's beautiful, some buildings make you feel like you're in a harry potter movie. It would be nice if we could get into them, just some are opened.
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