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ship island

  • 景点介绍
  • ship island
  • 景点印象
    • lightkeeper7 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      We had a friend with a boat so we had more freedom. The beaches were very nice the water was very nice. we enjoyed walking around the fort and Island. we took our own food so I don't know about there snackes there. we had a great time and will return as much as we can. the ferry ride is a bit high at $27 per person and limit what you can take but if you don't have a boat that is the only thing you can do..
    • Nocruisesever 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Took our 10 year old son on our most recent visit. Had a great day as he played on the beach or I. The water with his friends. I suggest you bring a couple of low maintenance kids with you, to keep it fun. A group outing of scouts or school mates is even better so that they can play with different groups throughout the day. Bring your own ice chest with drinks and food. They have things for sale in a small shop if you want a treat. Plenty of sun screen as there is no shade. A long Boardwalk takes you from the boat drop off point all the way to the beach. The fort is interesting to visit though don't expect it to take more than 15-30 minutes.The boat ride can be interesting as you may spot Dolphins cruising alongside the boat.
    • 956lisah 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Book a boat ride to this protected island and enjoy some local history and a great beach experience. Plan an extended stay, as boats do not run very frequently. Think day at the beach! Refreshments are limited on the island, so plan to take along what you may need. However, make sure to check allowances and restrictions well in advance. This makes for a GREAT experience for the family as long as you plan appropriately.
    • GenerationTravel 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      First viewed Ship Island when there were no Gambling Casino's on Biloxi's coastline. There was a small gambling ship 400 - 500 ft. ( with a hot tub ) that would have to go past State waters before allowing gambling to commence. If you were not a gambler though, you went for the ride and the Hot Tub on the foredeck. From the distance you could see Ship Island. You thought, maybe there is a way to get to the Island. Years later the private ferry service started. Once visiting, fell asleep on the beach and missed the boat back to Gulfport. Was Lucky, a fishing boat docked at the Island Pier offered a ride ashore, yet to Biloxi, miles away. Walked back to the rented weekend condo. How do you forget a memory like that. My life is a beach.
    • donab231 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Quiet, non-commercial, beautiful beach. Nice, clean facilities, restrooms, changing areas. Should bring own drinks, coolers, snacks.
    • KarenL-TravelLover 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      We had a good time during our October stay going on this 1/2 day trip. You can go out and come back and be on the island only 30 minutes if you don't want to stay and swim. The Fort was cool to walk around in and we really enjoyed the boat ride.
    • seachef594 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      if you like to beach or see a fort i would advise sunscreen a towel just plan having a great time the ship FERRY that bring to great way see how the other party knows how too please a chance see what nature has to offer
    • civilwarguy 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Ship Island excursions are the sole provider in season for trips from Gulfport to Ship Island, owned by the National Park Service. The major attraction, besides the pleasant one-hour voyage, is Fort Massachusetts, a well-preserved Third System brick fort with significance during the Civil War. There is also a pristine beach with full facilities for bathers during the warm season. This trip is recommended for those interested in history or beaches, or simply a pleasant excursion on the water.
    • 909kime 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Ship Island is very nice. Be prepared to hike about a mile from the boat to the nice beach side of the island (PACK LIGHT!!!). There are restrooms and places to buy food on the island, or you can pack a lunch. The boat trip is fun, and kids can watch the dolphins along the way. Be prepared to pack on the sunscreen - the SUN is hot, and you will get burnt if not prepared. MAKE SURE to rent the chairs and umbrella for your trip there. It is very relaxing, and the kids have fun finding critters in the sand, jelly fish, etc.
    • SharonL702 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      We went to Ship Island for a girls day trip. The beach was very clean and the water felt wonderful. We brought our own ice chest with drinks and some snacks. The boat ride was terrific we saw the dolphins and the kids loved it. We will definitely go again
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