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springfield national cemetery

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  • springfield national cemetery
  • 景点印象
    • Golferths111 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      This is a nice place to visit if you love history. It has several Medal of Honor winners buried here and the staff is very helpful. It is very peaceful and was interesting to walk around looking at the tombstones and what wars they were in. I went by myself, since my wife & grandkids weren't interested, but I enjoyed it.
    • 74phylliss 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      It's always good to remind myself of the people who laid down their lives for my freedoms...!!!!! Beautiful area. Very respectful landscape.
    • blankandson 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      The original one - which is now full - has an area where both Northern and Southern soldiers of the War Between the States are buried side-by-side. Pretty cool. May be the only cemetery where this is done. On the north side of Battlefield Mall. The newer National Cemetery is on a beautiful hillside just off Evans Road, just south of the James River Bridge on Hwy 65 if you are driving to Branson. Exit to the West and follow the signs. My parents are buried there. If a service is going on just park away from the gazebo and watch quietly. Military funerals are very well done and usually will have a salute with rifles. Sometimes Taps are played from the top of the hill by a soldier. Walk around and read some of the tombstones. Educational and worth a side-trip on your way to/from Branson.
    • tdelbruegge 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Perfectly manicured...peaceful...a great place to pray or meditate for a bit. It's a great escape from the noise of the city.
    • jqueen14 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Fall is the time to take a slow walk through the lanes. The turning trees are beautiful and the cemetery is well-maintained.
    • JackfromGigHarbor 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Always try to visit National Cemeteries if we are near one. This one is unique in that both Union and Confederate soldiers are buried here. Monuments to both sides. Not near as big as some other National Cemeteries but very emotional when you think about the horrible battles between our own people. A must see.
    • 67emilt 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      There is something about all of the headstones lined up and all matching that makes it so very solemn. It feels much more serious than a regular cemetery.
    • wwfarmlady 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      This is a beautiful cemetery, especial during Memorial Day and Veterans day. This year I noticed that they were removing the white tombstones and replacing them with flat tombstones. My step-father was buried in 1986 in the Civil War area and already had a flat stone. It was hard for me to believe the that they were going to the unnecessary expense of changing these stones when it wasn't needed except for the people that were mowing the lawn. I love looking at the beautiful flags.
    • otter941 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      I was given the privilege of helping friends attend to their departed relatives this Memorial Day. The weather cooperated perfectly: neither too hot nor too humid, plenty of sunshine. Amazingly well tended grounds; carefully maintained, esp. today. Flags everywhere; flowers from family and friends made the normally somber site a delight to the eye. Listening to other celebrants retell stories of bravery and making a life well lived after military service made the Day of Remembrance all the more celebratory. Walking around the grounds, I was amazed at the date and age of some of the memorials, some dating back to the Civil War. Easy to drive to; but not particularly friendly for anyone that might need wheeled handicapped access.
    • ethelv2013 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      We took our granddaughters so they could learn that many lives were lost for our freedom and to honor those that gave up their lives for this country.
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