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table rock lake

  • 景点介绍
  • table rock lake
  • 景点印象
    • tweety874 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      We thoroughly enjoyed the visitor center and hiking around the lake. The weather was in the 60s and sunny which made for the perfect temp. There were several choices of well marked trails so you could choose how far you wanted to walk.
    • jessandtom2006 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Beautiful! My husband and I loved Table Rock Lake! It was nice to enjoy nature and to stroll around the lake. There are boat rentals in the area as well. It was a nice change from Oklahoma.
    • FunnyBizzo 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      I have been here several times. I am always amazed at the depth of the clear water for a lake and the amount of activities that you can do.
    • tamarar989 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      A girlfriend and I took jet skis to this lake for a weekend, it was a blast! Always felt safe, and the water was amazing. Highly recommended. Her parents own a condo on the lake.
    • rmiller930 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Well, at least it was about 20 years ago... I quit going about 15 years ago. We used to camp at Mill Creek... get up early... ski all day. 17' runabout. On the way to Indian Point to fuel, due to choppy lake conditions, I dropped off about half way there... and was almost run over by the drunken bastards driving the jet boat while drinking... I dropped, put my ski in the air, waving it to alert them I was there... they never even say me... my buddy who was driving my boat, saw what was to be a disaster, and pulled my boat between me and the drunken jet boaters... saved my life... and, they cursed us and flipped him off. Last time I was willing to risk mine or my family's life on Table Rock. The traffic increased, the lake got rougher... so, those who could bought bigger boats, throwing bigger wakes... and so it continues today... moved to Bull Shoals... which has become much the same... the lake is great... those who show up... many are just idiots... sorry for the visit date posted... it only goes back 10 months...
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