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jefferson national expansion memorial park

  • 景点介绍
  • jefferson national expansion memorial park
  • 景点印象
    • JG849 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Beautiful park, a tribute and memorial to our veterans. Beautiful location and clean grounds. .....apparently my review wasn't long enough so I'm making it longer. :)
    • cowbeach 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Naturally, one has to take in the Arch, Riverboat and Old Courthouse. Lots of history in this area of St. Louis.
    • 699MichelH 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      It is a nice park, with a church from 1834. You can visit the church and I believe it is free. I did not explore the park fully, but the trails are paved and taken care of. Unfortunately, it was under construction when I went.
    • timelordjason 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      This is the park the arch is located in and is nice to stroll around getting nice views of the Arch. The grounds are well maintained and very photogenic. peaceful and calm little corners with benches to relax on as well.
    • MikeC819 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      The park is located along the Mississippi river bluffs with excellent views of the river. The park has a running course with stops for various things to work the muscles. The park also contains a world class archery path with several miles of targets as you walk through the woods. In addition to Silvian Springs a great place to hold large outdoor events such as school carnivals and dances. South Saint Louis County where Broadway ends.
    • hpnewby 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      The museum under the arch is decorated and laid out nicely, but the content is rather shallow. You only need an hour or so to read and see everything. Not much of it will be new to you. We saw the film on the construction of the arch - skip it. You can see everything the video tells you by spending 10 minutes in the gift shop. Go see the Louis and Clark film instead. All in all, it's worth your time because it doesn't take much - the real impressive thing is the view of the arch itself. Note, there is lots of construction in the area that will persist for some time, and no GPS is going to help you park. Park across the street from the Cardinals baseball park. It's just a two block walk and will save you lots of time of turning around and going down blocked off roads.
    • mikecra 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      I'm sure most everybody who travels to National Parks know to book tours in advance and the trip up to the top of the Arch is no exception. It wasn't very busy and we arrived late in the afternoon and the tickets were sold out for the day. Book online well in advance of your trip. Also plan on arriving early to get through security. It's a must see when in St. Louis!
    • leroys73 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      It was very informative. We were there in the winter so no crowds and very little wait time for a ride up the arch. There was a lot of construction in the area with very poor signage.
    • dodsy33 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Visited here due to the fact, how could you not!!?? Made sure we arrived around opening time, this way queues were not long. Once inside simply buy what ticket you want. We decided just on the trip up the arch and a look round the museum, purely due to we were limited on time, so much to see and do for the day. On the way to the top of the arch you have to sit in little pods, 5 people to each however if you are on the larger side or have long legs then this soon gets very very cramped, so not for the claustrophobic!! Once at the top the view is breath taking, looking across St.Louis one way and over the Mississippi river the other into the state of Illinois. On a windy day you can feel the archway sway, thankfully it wasn't too bad whilst we were up there. Once you have done the obligatory photos its the journey back down, which takes roughly 5-10mins. Back at the bottom we looked around the museum of how the west was colonised, lots of artefacts and movie sound bites to take in the history. I would have loved to spent a bit more time here however had to go to other places. Certainly will be coming back and i would recommend this day out to everyone...well those that don't mind heights and small spaces!!Oh and on the way out...the queue was rather large!! Get there EARLY!!
    • mario_andre1 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Go in the arch very interesting place to learn about the story of the arch and the west discovery. Nice place to relax just by downtown.
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