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grand gulf state park

  • 景点介绍
  • grand gulf state park
    Some people call Grand Gulf State Park the “Little Grand Canyon.” Some...
  • 景点印象
    • budbyr 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Easy trails. Compact zone. Could be very interesting during heavy rain. Gorge is water towards Mammoth Spring area. Good literature. Quiet-yes!! Paved road ends in park.
    • maldenmusic 图标 图标 图标 图标

      We stopped here after being in Thayer, Mo. Grand Gulf is about 7 miles west of Thayer. We brought our lunch with us and ate in the park then set off on a couple of trails which are well marked. We could not find a vantage point to get a spectacular canyon type view; we either didn't walk far enough or the very lush vegetation was obstructing our views. We asked several other couples in the park if they had found any good lookout areas and they had not. If we are back this way in the winter, we will probably try again.
    • 782garye 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Out of the way,,, worth your time. Walk the trails to get a good perspective of the park. I would suggest a Google search on the park before you visit.
    • roberthT3130FP 图标 图标 图标 图标

      It's on the Missouri / Arkansas boarder just up the road from mammoth springs. If you like to hike this is your place. The longest loop is about 40 minutes and the shortest loop is about 15 minutes. It was neat to see what happens when a cave system collapse into its self!!!
    • Judy19 图标 图标 图标 图标

      No water to see; nice shaded picnic areas; nice walking trails. It was too hot when we were there to do a lot of hiking.
    • Glenwoodgroup 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Very near the Arkansas state line, but in Missouri, is Grand Gulf State Park. Be prepared to do some walking! With stairs and many steps. But there are even some trails for handicapped persons. You will learn much geological information and see native trees, flowers, and grasses. Take a picnic lunch, and just chill! We visited on a hot day, but in the lower gulch, the air was cool and fresh.
    • goofylittlecar 图标 图标 图标 图标

      After visiting Mammoth Springs State Park we visited this small park in Missouri. This place is a huge contrast to the heavily visited and sunny and open Mammoth Springs. Grand Gulf indeed has an isolated and primitive feel to it. The road to it has more of a roller coaster feel to it than many a road we have traveled. The park was deserted and quiet when we arrived. It is a small, compact place and at first underwhelming. There are two or three trails available. To get the true feel of the place you must descend the 70 or so feet and hundred or so stairs to the bottom. Once you get there the atmosphere of the park is almost prehistoric. I commented to my wife that this reminded me of the scenery from the old Land of the Lost series. Very much worth a visit if you are in the area.
    • BecciB418 图标 图标 图标 图标

      A beautiful adventure. It is not far from Thayer, but has a remote feel. Lots of great scenery, beautiful walkways. Great caves, but I did not go in them, I am told they are very primitive and very narrow.... no thanks... I want to know and see where I am going! I did very much enjoy the walking trails and such.
    • 692AdamD 图标 图标 图标 图标

      This is a gem. Its not well publicized, but definitely worth a visit. They call it "Missouri's Little Grand Canyon." Its definitely on a much, much smaller scale, but there are lots of hiking areas, a natural land bridge, a cave, numerous overlooks and wildlife. If you arent into hiking, you can enjoy the gulf from above. If you are more adventurous, you can hike the chasm below (which is where the real fun is). Dont wear flip flops though, it isnt an easy hike. There are some areas where you have to climb and will probably get dirty.
    • ksrudd1962 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Found it by accident coming home from a road trip. really cool place to take kids to see this. you can even go down to the bottom on one side. lots of stairs to get down there and back.
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