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longwood gardens

  • 景点介绍
  • longwood gardens
    The garden spreads out over 1,000 acres and includes 20 distinct gardens...
  • 景点印象
    • CharelC 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Longwood Gardens is a beautiful place at any time of the year. I've been there in winter, spring, summer, and fall. The firework and fountain shows in the summer are spectacular, the Christmas lights are pretty, the tulips in the spring are beautiful, and the fall colors are great. Nothing bad to say about this place :)
    • liza23star 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Beautiful gardens in the conservatory, we went in the winter so the gardens outside were in winter mode. Still lots to see and explore. The house and the tree houses were a neat place to wonder through. I would highly recommend going in the summer when everything is planted, but if like us you can only visit in the winter still very worth it the conservatory is stunning. We do not have kids but the childrens garden in the conservatory was so cool and fun, high light of the visit.
    • geogfan 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Being married 37+ years I tend to take life and my wife for granted at times. Well I decided to fix that at least on Valentine's Day. I decided to surprise my wife on Valentine's day with a date. After convincing my wife we were going on a surprise date we started driving towards Philadelphia . After a answering 1,000 question on where we were going I broke down and told here Longwood Gardens to see the Orchid display. After arriving at the parking area we entered the gift shop and ticketing building and then made the chilly walk to the Conservatory. We had never been to Longwood and even in the winter the grounds are beautiful. As we entered the Conservatory it was like walking into a different world. It was beautiful with a capital B. We spent the next two hours walking through the Conservatory taking pictures and looking at the lovely flowers and plants, especially the orchids. As we were leaving it started snowing giving yet another picture perfect look to the grounds. What a great Valentine Day date. We will be back in the summer .
    • PamB612 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Actually, Longwood is good to visit all year round. Christmas time brings the colored fountains to the tune of various Christmas melodies and the lights on all the trees is mesmerizing. The conservatory is warm and absolutely amazing with the different fauna and flowers. The outside grounds during the warmer months is filled with color as the various blooms explode! Well worth visiting. Plan several hours to take it all in.
    • AJB260 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      I love long wood gardens. I got engaged there and intend to go back again as we are approaching our 5 year wedding anniversary. The gardens are breath taking!
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