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angel mounds state historic site

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  • angel mounds state historic site
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    • aimeea968 图标 图标 图标 图标

      We've actually seen this site mentioned in museums in different states and it is kind of neat to think that it is close to home. However, the indoor exhibition was not that informative and really for children, and didn't include artifacts excavated, which are apparently housed by Indiana University, which is several hours away. Outside - there are some mounds of dirt and a replica of a wall and a few signs that are not that informative and have seen better days. Apparently, someone thinks all this was worth preserving, but I don't think the site does a very good job of explaining why. It would have been much better if we could actually have seen some of what was excavated. Not well done. Nothing to see. Nothing to learn about.
    • Bluejay_13 图标 图标 图标 图标

      We were there last summer....I'm late writing the review. We enjoyed learning about the prehistoric Native Americans. Very interesting, very enjoyable.
    • rosierita 图标 图标 图标 图标

      We were disappointed the Native American Days festival was cancelled. However, we enjoyed the museum and walking to see the mounds. If you are planning to go, check their website www.angelmounds.org to see if there are any planned events. Still interesting, anyway. Rates in September were:Adults $5.00 Seniors (60+) $4.00 Children (3-12) $2.00 Children (2 & under) FREE
    • mommacatt 图标 图标 图标 图标

      I work for the State Historic sites and travel to them occasionally. This site is very informative about the Indian Mounds built by the early Indians of Indiana along the Ohio River.
    • soicp 图标 图标 图标 图标

      The Angel Mounds State Historic Site is one of SW Indiana's best kept secrets. The Interpretive Museum is an architectural feat and is used for other occasions such as Farm Days and Native American Days. The Mounds are amazing to walk around and we have been there in the evenings for meteor showers and other special events.
    • 381brianp 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Huge area, lost civilization, tour the museum first and then head out for your self guided tour. Bring your imagination. Anyone under 10 would probably not get the enormity of the community that once thrived there.
    • rebeccamO3164US 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Angel Mounds is a fascinating area of Indiana history. The information center was interesting telling of the Indians who lived here. We were eager to walk the grounds and see how it was preserved and shared with the public.However the walking tour was disappointing. It is self guided (with a map and arrows around the grounds pointing where to go for various paths.) The grounds were not well marked when we visited. The map we were handed did not match the route map posted at the start of the walking area and we struggled to match either with the actual arrows on the grounds, showing us where to walk. It feels like more could be done to better share this interesting piece of Indiana history.
    • CovingtonCat 图标 图标 图标 图标

      I've been to a few mounds sites. This is one of the largest in the Midwest. I'm glad they're still here. Walking the site was interesting. Imagining what it looked like while people lived there was fun. There's very little signage. There should be a lot more than the trifold brochure they give you. I also wish the museum was a little more honest in the way it explains the site and the people who lived there. No one really knows who the people were who built them. No one really knows why they were built. No one really knows what happened to the people who built them. It's all speculation. The museum, while it does show some archeology and a few artifacts, would lead a casual visitor to believe that the people who lived here looked and lived just like they're depicted in the museum. Much of what we really know is based on early European contact with natives who were living in the area at that time. Could the ancestors of those natives lived exactly the same way? Possibly, maybe even probably. But we really don't know. My best mound experiences have been at Cahokia (where they admit they don't much about the builders) and at Hopewell (same attitude as at Cahokia). The archeology is great at these sites and that's where the focus is. I wish Angel Mounds had some more money to update the museum to reflect what we know vs what we assume. The gift shop was small and didn't have much that represented the site. I would have loved a pin. Instead, I got a mug that doesn't even have a picture of a mound. But I'm glad I came here and that the site is being preserved.
    • Betsyknit 图标 图标 图标 图标

      This was our fifth mounds site in three days, and it was very informative. Lots of information in the museum; not so much along the path of the actual site.
    • lldavids44 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Old Indian digs are as cool as they sound, and there us no better way to learn history than walking around feeling like part of it
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