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gennett walk of fame

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  • gennett walk of fame
  • 景点印象
    • Wdee2013 图标 图标 图标 图标

      This is a bit off the beaten track and you would not easily find it unless you were looking for it ( which we were). There are a aeries of bronze and mosaic circular plaques in the sidewalk area on the grounds of the former Starr piano factory/ Gennett recording atudios locale commemorqting Richmond recordings of well known Jazz musicians and even Lawrence Welk. The piqno facory is basically a shell that has been retored to host various plays and performances, but this Is not readily visible as you survey the site. it actually looks rather abandoned and ould be a bit more welcoming if the grass was cut and the graffitti abated ( though some of the graffitti is Shakespeare inspired, the site overall looks like a site where the local kids come to party) Was a bit disconcerting. The history is very interesting and would be a great idea to see the Wayne County museum beforehand to orient the viewer to what exactly they are seeing.
    • AnnMooreColumbusIN 图标 图标 图标 图标

      This sadly neglected tourist attraction is rich in historical value. I loved reading of all the people who had recorded music there. I wish it were better maintained and better marked for others to find it. I loved visiting this site!
    • wallarab 图标 图标 图标 图标

      It is not an understatement to say that Richmond, Indiana is as important to American music as New Orleans or Memphis. The Gennett Record Studio produced some of the most important recordings of American music during the early part of the 20th century including the first recordings of Louis Armstrong, Bix Beiderbecke, and others. The walk of fame is tragically underdeveloped and an absolute must-do pilgrimage for anyone interested in the story of jazz. One walks on hallowed ground at this site.
    • Anthony-Susan 图标 图标 图标 图标

      The Gennett record label included many American greats in the history of jazz, blues, gospel and other musical genre of the early 20th century. This is truly a gem for those who love music, including this unique brand of American music that captured the world's devotion.
    • LaChelsaO 图标 图标 图标 图标

      3 young girls in search of something to do on a Beautiful day. We have a camera on hand and look as if we are ready for spring break, why not enjoy the day taking pictures. My friend, sister and I were driving around in search of something to do. We pulled onto this road as we saw a painted billboard on the side of the street saying Gennett Walk of Fame. We thought the word "walk" was something of interest so we begin to stumble further to find the Gennett Walk of Fame. This place was almost like a secret get-a-way to clear your mind and look at history. We took many pictures and enjoyed our time there to go back again when there were concerts and roller derby happening all around. I recommend this walk as well as enjoyment of festivals. The walk over the bridge will then lead to the Whitewater Valley Gorge Trail. A very peaceful healthy habbit to experience.
    • laurhite 图标 图标 图标 图标

      The walk of fame had very few quality booths, music was ok but the surrounding booths weren't worth going. If you love the music go but don't expect much more.
    • El1948 图标 图标 图标 图标

      The history of music has its roots in Richmond! Who'd think that? Greatly historical and marvelous hike.
    • androidman 图标 图标 图标 图标

      The walk of fame is in a sketchy area, as I was walking down the trail, I kept looking back at the car and make sure that it was ok. It was informative, but feel that more could have been done to make the area more presentable, i hope that it is just a work in progress.
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