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tom branch falls

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  • tom branch falls
  • 景点印象
    • advocon 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      It's not really a hike to see this waterfall. It's just a stroll through the woods. Very nice walk. Sometimes in the summer, the flow is pretty pitiful, but winter is almost always better. Definitely a must see attraction.
    • rltipton86 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      You must view the falls from across the creek but you still have a great view. The walk up to these falls is very short and the path is wide, used by a lot of runner and bikers so be aware there may be a bicyclist or runner coming up behind you.
    • twiseva 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Ok so we did the 3 waterfall loop and saw all three falls. Great hike and some nice falls. For those of you not so in shape here is a hint if you really want to see all three and save some energy - go up the hill to Juney Whank and then come back down to avoid the rest of the uphill. Then take the lower path that goes up the creek to see the other two. You will save yourself a lot of energy. Having said that its very pretty going up and over the ridge in the forest if you are in shape :-) If you have any trouble getting up to Juney Whank it's probably worth going back down and around ...
    • Kgardner120 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      This waterfall was such a treat. The area had just received a substantial amount of rain, so the water flow was higher than normal which made for a great view and photographs. Nice benches to sit on and listen to the peaceful sound of the water flowing into Deep Creek.
    • 19NH50 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      We went to the Deep Creek area to find the three falls. Starting from the parking lot it's tough to tell where to begin. There are a couple of ways to go. We found the first one Juneywhank, but then wanted to also find Tom branch and Indian Creek falls. There are no signs posted, but we did have a trail description of where to go. Well, we got lost and had it not been for a ranger we ran into, we'd still be walking. All three falls are very nice and are high on my effort vs. reward scale. The trails are not particularly difficult or long (if you don't get lost), and the beauty of the falls is wonderful. Make sure you see all three. They are definitely worth the walk.
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