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monkey joe's

  • 景点介绍
  • monkey joe's
  • 景点印象
    • emki33 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Monkey Joe's is fun if your kid/s will bounce enough to make it worth the price of admission. My four year old was more interested in playing their video games (which all cost at LEAST 50 cents), than jumping. Admission is over $8, and if you factor in games and food, it can get quite expensive. It's noisy in there, too, so it's hard for parents to get work done if they were looking for an environment where the kids can play and parents can work. (This is due more to noisy air compressors than noisy kids...) I'm sure some families love it, but it's not worth the price of admission for mine.
    • trippey2 图标 图标 图标 图标

      We stopped here for a rainy afternoon. There are a few inflatables in a high-ceiling room. It can get chaotic depending on the number of other children. I was ready to run for the exit, just not my kind of place. But a hit with the kids for 30 minutes.
    • tchrmomma 图标 图标 图标 图标

      The place is clean, the kids liked it, they had fun. It was too expensive, and it was loud. We had to look after the kids very carefully, because some parents were not. They got too rough, and the little ones were overwhelmed.
    • MiJa55 图标 图标 图标 图标

      I stumbled upon monkey Joe's with my 2 year old and love it! They have extensive hours unlike most bounce facilities which tend to have a 2 hour window of open bounce. Monkey Joe's is clean (they clean every night too) and they are good at monitoring the kids to make sure the older ones don't get into the toddler zone. They also tag each kid and adult when you walk in and double check you poor to leaving. My son loves to jump here and for $5-7 it is well worth it. I would highly recommend this place if you are wanting your kid to have some fun!
    • LatashaS_12 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Went here for my godsons third birthday however I am almost positive the adults had more fun then the kids! At some point I found myself stuck in a bounce house while the staff cheered me on from the sidelines! The food was also good and I will definitely revisit this place!
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