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civic musical road

  • 景点介绍
  • civic musical road
  • 景点印象
    • SanMo 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Might as well check it out. I was expecting more than grooves in the road for my soundtrack. Sounds better the faster you go. I went twice-- only takes less than half a minute.Not far off the highway, so you might as well drive, listen and then continue on your way.
    • dhphill55 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Enjoyed driving this road way and hearing the music coming from the tires running across the lines in the road.
    • Graceracer 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Worth checking out if you're in the area. It probably takes a minute or less to drive the whole thing so if you're not in the area, I wouldn't drive far to see it.
    • KarenK679 图标 图标 图标 图标

      There were no highway signs for this, so you had to know the address. Just a mile west of the main highway. We drove it twice, as it was not busy and you could go up and turn around easily and try it again. The first time we went through, we started slowly and got faster. The second time, we drove at about 60 mph. As you drive along this road, with your radio off and your windows up, the theme for the Lone Ranger plays from the rumble strips on the road. The faster you drive, the faster the music plays. It is really an awesome little stretch of road, probably only about a half a mile long. It was also free to do.
    • debbiel709 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Pretty cool. When guest come into town this is a must. Love It!!!! This is not the original one but it is just as nice. Area seculded and close to a lake to take a picnic basket and enjoy some fishing and a stroll in the park
    • Mark-n-Chrystal 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Its a little quirky and fun and its totally worth it!! We went over it a few times and had a blast! If you like to do something a little different go for it! You can even here it when standing on the street outside of the car!
    • 931kathyp 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Fun to take unsuspecting out-of-towners and watch their reaction! The sound is ok - but it was better when it was on Ave K - maybe the time to put it in on Ave G was done quickly and not as thoroughly.
    • U7401PEmarias 图标 图标 图标 图标

      My kids and I enjoy this road very much. It makes them giggle. I hope they make another one and make it longer. The best way to listen to it it's close your windows and of course turn off your radio. Come to Lancaster and experience one of a kind musical road.
    • bethfeli 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Music plays while driving on the road... so Fun!Made by Honda Civic commercial.Nothing much to see while driving though, but close to Apollo Park
    • tygerstile 图标 图标 图标 图标

      I've driven over the musical road several times over the years. Whenever we have family in town we drive them through to experience the wonder that is the "musical road."From where the original road which was used for the Honda Civic commercial, to its new location on Ave. G, it's all a treat to experience. The grooves in the road create vibrations which exemplify thorough the car to create the sounds of a tune. I would recommend rolling the windows all the way up to get the best experience. You can try it multiple times at different speeds which will either decrease or increase the speed or rate of the tune. This is something that you can't just go and find anywhere. We are lucky to have it local to all of socal.
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