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martial arts history museum

  • 景点介绍
  • martial arts history museum
    Explore the history of Asian martial arts.
  • 景点印象
    • TrystaB 图标 图标 图标 图标

      This museum has been open for 10 months and I don't think many people know about it yet. It's a small building on Magnolia that I only noticed driving by when they had their Grand Opening sign out. My husband and I bought a deal from Living Social when it came up. Regular admission is still very reasonably priced. We went on a Sunday afternoon and were the only people there. The museum is divided into sections by country and covers the different styles of martial arts and cultural dance in each area. There are costumes/uniforms and also weapons displayed. The displays are less historical artifacts and more reproductions, which the manager said are all donations. Each section also features a video on a small screen that gives an overview of the country's culture.The thing that I really felt was missing was a demonstration of the differences between the styles. It's one thing to read about it, but I didn't truly understand how each form looked. The videos only show brief snippets. I wanted to see more of the unique movements and weapons demonstrated. The museum holds an array of events listed on their website from cultural, dancing, and fighting exhibitions. I would really like to attend one of these. But I think you should be able to experience the martial arts in the displays without having to also go to an event. The manager was very friendly and clearly has a passion for the collection and the events. He was eager to answer any questions. If you live in Burbank, I'd definitely recommend a visit. Plan to spend about an hour to an hour and a half. I'm hoping this museum will continue to evolve with the support of the community.
    • lud-mila77 图标 图标 图标 图标

      в музей наполнен азиатскими костюмами,оружием. Музей также включает в себя раздел, посвященный медиа-искусства: фильмы, телевидение и печать.проводят семинары
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