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platte river state park

  • 景点介绍
  • platte river state park
  • 景点印象
    • MandyM19 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Our family has gathered for a reunion at this park for 2 years now and we're planning on returning next year. The park is 20-30 minutes away from the city attractions of the Omaha metro, so guests can visit the zoo, the air and space museum, or any other number of fun things! OR, even better than that, guests can stay in the park and enjoy the quiet solitude of nature. Because of the close proximity to Omaha, cell phone coverage is still good, but I'd suggest you leave it on your nightstand and take a hike, ride the paddleboats, fish with your kids, try out the shooting range and go on a trail ride. The cabins are adequate and affordable and the staff is very friendly, yet respectful of the fact that you are there to spend time with your family, not to be bothered by them.
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