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american war birds, inc.

  • 景点介绍
  • american war birds, inc.
  • 景点印象
    • Allansha 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Love this stuff and cannot get enough. a great spot to go to view heroes of the last few wars. These birds are historic and rapuidly vanishing. You can admire what our service people flew and the conditions that they did it. A great record of the historu of armed fores aviation through the years.
    • Born_Old 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      The web site doesn't allow you t book a flight directly but you can submit a message to ask about the availability of flights and you are immediately given the cell phone number of the pilot, Dennis. He was able to offer me a ride on the day I wanted and we just agreed to meet at he airport. No formalities here. Dennis is friendly, knowledgeable and experienced - all he things you need when taking a ride in a two-seater plane that's more than 60 years old.The flight was smooth, the scenery wonderful and Dennis treated me to a loop, some rolls and other fun acrobatics over the middle of the lake. Dennis made sure I was comfortable at all times and was an excellent guide to all we could see. It was very enjoyable,
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