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shore acres state park

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  • shore acres state park
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    • 885debm 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      A must every holiday season...go early when you can get a parking place. Gardens pretty before dark.
    • melissamV1445BW 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      We loved the lights in the garden. The kids enjoyed the free cookie and cider as well. My family can't wait to go back next year! Of course, we will probably go in the spring to view the beautiful flowers as well.
    • madisonw2015 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      I have lived here for just over 3 years! I work all the time! I made it to shore acres state park this year to see the lights! To put it simply I will never miss it again! It was AMAZING! I can't even imagine how much time, effort and $$$ went into setting up those lights and taking them down! It was beautiful! So many different designs! Truelly amazing!
    • PullmanCougar 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      We visited Shore Acres between Christmas and New Years after dark in order to see the lights. The displays are beautiful and cover an extensive area, including water arrangements and progressive lighting such as jumping frogs and splashing whales. Some of the latest additions were lighted creatures peaking over the back fence. They offer a chance to warm up in a warm building and hot cider/chocolate as well as cookies for free, although they do have a jar on the counter for a donation. We've been to Shore Acres in the daylight hours in the spring as well and the gardens are beautiful when in season. If you want to see the seascape as well as the holiday lights plan on visiting the park at least an hour before dark during the Christmas/New Year season.
    • SabrosoCed 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Shore Acres State Park is a must see destination for your Oregon Coast vacation. During the day its excellent, with great trails and views. At night on the holidays the light displays are amazing.
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