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macqueen orchards & farm market

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  • macqueen orchards & farm market
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    • DebL332 图标 图标 图标 图标

      The MacQueen family open their orchard to allow the public to pick apples in the fall. This has been a family tradition for 2 generations. They also have a small store and bakery that are open year round. It is a great family destination in the fall. Love the homemade pies and doughnuts.
    • vkngprints 图标 图标 图标 图标

      We frequent this Orchard and Farm Market primarily because of their awesome bakery. This of course is a secondary reason for the Apple Orchard. In the fall it's actually hard to get in due to all the visitors. The crowds seem to grow each year and it's primarily because of the quality of their events, food and of course apples.
    • travelhawk71 图标 图标 图标 图标

      We came here to enjoy the apple fest and discovered it to be a huge disappoint. Fist we had to park a long distance away. Secondly, the lack of vendors to eat at was really bad. Only a few vendors offering food. Thirdly, they had all the crafters crammed into a tent and you could not even walk around in there. There were so many parents pushing strollers that it made it impossible to walk around them when they decided to stop and look at something or talk to a friend they just met up with...ugh. If you wanted to pick apples you only had the option of picking a bushel or something like that. It's only my girlfriend and myself. We didn't want to pay $20 to pick apples because there was no way we could have used all the apples. They should offer the option to pick smaller amounts or by weight. When we asked if was an option to pick a smaller portion the worker said we can go to the store and and get some there. Anyway this place use to be a really great time but it has dwindled down to offering nothing and being overcrowded. We will not be back.
    • KN921 图标 图标 图标 图标

      My husband and I went to McQueen's apple festival. We'd been there before and enjoyed the day. Although we went early in the day, my husband, a polite, quiet person, was still angry that evening from how he/we were treated. Parking was atrocious, and when he asked if he could park in a certain spot, he was barked at...literally...by an older man who clearly hated being there. These people need to remember who pays for their living and who owes whom! Later we got something to eat and stood to the side to listen to the music. We turned around to a middle-aged man telling us to "get out of the way," and rudely gesturing at us so he could take a picture. He was also a worker. Shame on them. The food signs were actually underneath the counters on food stands, so we didn't know what we could order til we got to the front of the long long lines. A young staff said this had been addressed in former years but ignored. We are close to retirement age and go many places. Neither we nor our families or friends will be going back to McQueens!!!
    • 203ScottS 图标 图标 图标 图标

      There is just something about picking apples that can create an experience you will remember. Not only do you leave with apples, but they have a great market as well. Like Apple cider? They have the best around. The bakery does a great job and the apple fritters are the best!
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