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round church

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  • round church
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    • cbkb47639 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      It was the most unique church I have been into. No heat so you would not want to plan a winter wedding. Very close to the highway for guests but still in the country and small town feel. Great setting.
    • deanham 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      I've admired this church for years. It is iconic. This time I brought my adult daughter and she commented that it may be a nice place for an intimate wedding. At the very least, it is classic New England and worth a drive by.
    • RobinH756 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      The church has a very rustic New England feel to it. It was a perfect spot for our daughters wedding. Great for picture taking and very welcoming for visiters.Very romantic and sweet place for a wedding.
    • gobbynkb 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      I loved the information and the novelty of a round church. The maintenance was good and possibly brochures or more infomation about the church to take with me would have been nice
    • MSWMom50 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Visited this church on a recent vacation touring Vermont. The church is unique due to its round shape created with 16 sides. It was built between 1812 - 1814 and is currently maintained by the Richmond Historical Society. I am partial to visiting historic churches and Vermont has many pretty ones. This is one of the prettiest in my opinion. You can go inside the church where a docent will answer questions. The church is lovely inside as well and you can visit both the main floor and the balcony. The church has box pews that are common in many historic New England churches. Make sure to stop and see the Round Church if you visit Vermont.
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