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nicholas conservatory and gardens

  • 景点介绍
  • nicholas conservatory and gardens
    Situated along the banks of the beautiful Rock River, Nicholas...
  • 景点印象
    • joycew567 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      A compact conservatory with lovely array of tropical flora. Enjoyed the lovely orchid displays. Nice to combine with the river walk right outside its doors.
    • GreenDuck15 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Good place to visit when you want to get out of the winter weather. The orchid exhibit was wonderful and enjoyed ourselves.
    • wonderful1011 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Our riverfront area has many things to keep you busy & entertained. Take a walk along the river front, visit the floral gardens, see the infamous Rockford symbol. Enjoy the beauty & tranquility.
    • TravelerG8 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Great way to beat the winter weather. Recommend you visit on a tropical Tuesday which allows entry for $3 instead of the usual $6 (kids free). Has holiday lights mingled into the attraction, and would like to visit in the summer as they seemed to have a large amount of vegetation outside as well. If you like this attraction will also recommend Olbrich Gardens in Madison and Mitchell Park Domes in Milwaukee which are bigger but of a similar nature.
    • Holly-in-Haleiwa 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Glad we stopped by on a busy day to catch our breath between appointments. It proved to be a wonderful and much needed distraction for all our senses. Stepping out of the cold winter wind into the peaceful warmth of exotic greenery was a real treat. The staff was outstandingly knowledgeable and enthusiastic to share information. Check out the gift shop and grab a snack!
    • taylors498 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      The hubs, dad-in-law, and I had a few hours to kill before we had to be somewhere, so we spent the morning walking around the Nicholas Conservatory and Gardens. The gardens are gorgeous with lots of water works, plants, and some wildlife. On the particular day we were there, a couple of geese with goslings swam around the pond and came very close to us. It was beautiful and we got some great pictures! I'd certainly recommend checking this spot out if you're looking for a walking trail or just a spot to take some snapshots in the city.
    • spyderspy 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      So cool and relaxing...very inviting atmosphere...plants and foliage are most interesting and beautiful...liked it so much, bought a family membership for the year...check it out!
    • LoveUSA 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      The Nicholas Conservatory and Gardens, located on the banks of the Rock River is not only a beautiful addition to a city attempting to revive itself, but I found it to be the perfect place to introduce your young children to a world with which they may not be familiar. The conservatory boasts plant life from many regions of the world, has walking paths and bridges and a large collection of fish swimming along as you walk the paths. The structure itself is fascinating and the grounds are dotted with statuary, not to mention festive lighting during the holiday season. You can meander outside to waterfalls, a duck pond and beautiful gardens. Special events are offered throughout the year, such as a butterfly garden and, as of this writing, an interesting exhibit where Lori-keets (a bird that resembles a parrot) perch on your arms and drink nectar from a cup. Quite an experience. At present, the only drawback that I see is that the building does not house a restaurant, but a bag lunch would be appropriate as there is a large meeting room off of the main lobby, where I have seen families sit to eat. The building houses a gift shop with interesting :"science-type" items for children and the parking is ample and at no charge.
    • Q13OHmichelep 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      The investment made by the Park District and local families/institutions have turned a drab river front into a vibrant experience. This building as well as the pond and rose gardens outside are terrific. My family and our out of town guests spent the day here and loved it. After our visit we walked down the river path and ended up eating at the Prairie Street Brewhouse which is also a gem.
    • murfplace1 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Although the site is not large, it is very well laid out and contains many very interesting plants. The building and the surrounding grounds along the river contribute even more to the area.
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