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lincoln's new salem state historic site

  • 景点介绍
  • lincoln's new salem state historic site
  • 景点印象
    • TriumphTim 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Today we went to Lincoln's New Salem which is a reconstruction of the village President Lincoln lived in for 6 years starting at age 22. This is the third time I have been here in the last 50 years and as always it is very well done! Admission is free but they do recommend a donation as can be read about on their website. There are only a few buildings you can actually go in to but you can see through the front door on the others and plenty of opportunity to take pictures. The blacksmith was working in his shop so it was fun to watch and ask questions. There are a couple of nice gift shops and a good cafe. When you first go into the visitor center there is a museum with placards and memorabilia describing President Lincoln's entire life and not just his 6 years in New Salem. I highly recommend a good three hour visit on a day of nice weather.
    • 711tiffanyt 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      We went to the museum, but I didn't hike to the historical site. The museum was nice, though. I enjoyed seeing the surveying tools that Lincoln used.
    • fi33 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      We went on a lovely sunny and warm Sunday afternoon. I had read that you need no more than an hour and that was right. As a Brit I am finding the Pioneer's history fascinating. The kids however were bored fairly early on as of course all the buildings look the same! You need to read the blurb on each house to see what was there. We had an excellent chat with the barrel maker who gave me loads of background into the history of the village, how it sprung up and then why and how it died. He was excellent at making me understand very quickly and has given me a thirst to find out more about the Pioneers.
    • PalmTree49 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      We visited at the end of August. I think the venue was worn out by then. The AC in the visitors' center was broken. The food in the concession building was good. But the grounds had a shabby feel to them. A couple of attractions in Springfield had suffered from recent high water, so maybe that contributed to the unkempt look. It was hot the day we visited, and it rained for a while. We saw a few people in character, but only one inside one of the buildings. I didn't go into all of the buildings, so I didn't get the full effect. One mother with children promised her son they could see the lambs. I went to a corral where I saw one lamb.
    • Jal4950 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      This is NOT a criticism of Lincoln's New Salem State Historic Site. Unfortunately, on the day we visited, August, 24th, the temperature was 90 + degrees with a humidity level of over 90%. It was just HOT and humid even though we had head coverings and bottles of water. Nonetheless, the visit was very educational and we learned a lot about this time period. Be sure to go to the theater and watch the short film FIRST at the Visitors Center to get a historical perspective of this time period. It is a short film filled with lots of background information. The Visitors Center is also an excellent place to start as it is filled with historical information and is air conditioned. There are 24 houses on site and my wife and I were only able to walk through 17 of them before we had to call it quits. We really felt empathy for the guides who were dressed in period costumes at select places to greet us and give more insight to us, as they must have been sweltering in their costumes. All in all, our trip here was worth it and we will make another trip out here when the weather is cooler to spend more time here.
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