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yavapai observation station

  • 景点介绍
  • yavapai observation station
  • 景点印象
    • joerussin 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Trip Adviser insists on mislabeling this attraction. The Park literature and maps list it as the Yavapai Geology Museum. And that misses the point as well. There is a fine little museum here with a well done graphic explanation of how the GC was created by tectonic plate movements, the Colorado River and wind and rain erosion. But the reason the museum is here is the fantastic panoramic view of the Canyon. Not only is the view sweeping and awe inspiring, it is also, the Park guides say, the best place to see the entire geologic history of the Canyon, with all the layers of rock nicely exposed. In addition to the museum and the tremendous viewing opportunities, this is also the place to go for Ranger geology talks.
    • AnonD28 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      You can visit the Yavapai Museum of Geology which is near to the visitor center/Mather point. The museum is small but is situated at the end of the grand canyon and offers the best panoramic views of the Canyon.
    • Dave12345_10 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      I think it's the best view on the south rim! The model of the Grand Canyon was a favorite for our family. We also enjoyed the information provided.
    • 1bunbun 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      It was cold the day we visited the Canyon so we were happy to find this gem! We went inside and enjoyed the views from the inside! Their was a ranger in there that would answer any question you might have and tell us about the canyon!! Their is also a lot of history and explanations of how the rocks formed! Also a small store inside!
    • travelinm2014 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      The geology and geography info you get at the Yavapai Station gives you more insight to what you have seen or will see if you stop here. This stop also has great views of the canyon from behind giant windows if you get queasy looking out or down into the canyon. Plus, if the weather is cold and snowy like when we were there in late December you can get great views from the inside and not stand in the wind and cold. I would still highly recommend driving out to both Hermits Rest to the west and Desert View to the east to get enjoy many other great views.
    • CarolynH385 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      What a great way to teach people about the geography and geology of Grand Canyon. The views from Yavapai are also awesome. The gift shop has lots of books, maps, etc. to keep your interest.
    • psudino 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Every point we stopped at contained breath taking views. Yavapai Point gave some great views of the trails. I stated in my other reviews that it almost makes no sense to take photos since it doesn't capture the massive landscape when you are there. This is just another beautiful viewpoint.
    • ColinTanya 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      If you are staying at the South Rim then this is a very worthwhile place to walk to. You can take in the views along the South Rim and also the Geology Walk which shows the age and samples of the different types of rock in the Canyon. The Observation station and Geology museum is fantastic for Geology buffs and those just interested in the amazing diversity of rock types in the Grand Canyon. If you can time it right the Ranger talks are really informative. Oh yeah, teh view out of thh massive picture windows is majestic.
    • mmV7934EE 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      This is a wonderful spot to get acquainted with the structures in the Grand Canyon. It takes less than a half hr., but the relief map helps you get oriented and points out things you would otherwise miss.
    • rugbyroadster 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Wow. The exhibits are OK, but the view is unbelievable. Just imagine having a house here! Pretty easy walk from Mather Point of on the shuttle route.
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