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sabino canyon

  • 景点介绍
  • sabino canyon
  • 景点印象
    • 13travelers 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

    • lisak12 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

    • ktegels 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

    • KerryZ35 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

    • neuatomic 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

    • napalovers 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      It was a gorgeous cool sunny day in late January. Our work meeting ended early after several days of hard brain labor. We were in need of that sunshine and some exercise. Sabino Canyon provides easy access to several desert hikes, ranging from a loop trail for 15 min to half day journeys, from easy to difficult. We chose the Seven Falls Trail for the prize at the end (beautiful falls this time of year, before the summer and dessert conditions crank down the faucet). It offered a decent length, much along a creek with multiple creek crossings along the way. The elevation is allows for a relatively gentle climb much of the way, though does get steeper closers to the falls. The trail starts on a gravel road, then settles into typical southwest rocky/ crumbly terrain. Staying on the trail is also important to better dodge the cacti along the say. Try to get your fill of that majestic Saguaro cactus (can you really?), with plenty of other desert vegetation and wildlife. We spotted many birds, including a road runner and many quail, but nothing large enough to get the heart racing. You finally reach the falls after some switch backs and there is rooms for relaxing, photo-ops and dipping a toe in the clear water. There is ample parking at the visitors center with maps, info, bathrooms and shopping (if you desire). If staying nearby, without a car, make sure you arrange for your cab to pick you up at the end of your day. Hiking in this late January cool sunny day was just right. There is also a shuttle van, which seemed quite popular, indicating a 45 minute narrated tour (fee for this) of the area. Bring water of course and remember it gets really dark and cools off fast once the sun goes down in the desert, so time yourself well.
    • JJN96 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      So much pretty scenery, so many hiking trails. We could tell this is a go-to place for lots of Tucsonans. We enjoyed hiking in the park several mornings. Go early - lots of folks love this place to hike.
    • nylady21 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      We arrived early to see the Visitor Center and purchase tickets for the first Tram of the morning at 9:00. The tram driver narrated the drive up the Canyon, pointing out rock formations, various trees and plants, including the Saguaros, and showing us 'the best beach in Arizona' along the water. We rode the Tram to the end and walked on the return, intending to take some of the trails. The map in the Visitor Center showed many trails that were hard to find out on the road which was a bit frustrating but we did find a few. Walking the road provided lots of great photo ops too so it wasn't a loss. Many of the shuttle stops have restroom facilities. A stand near the parking lot has drinks and snacks. Definitely worth a day!
    • jfdomaha 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Was relatively inexpensive and informative. Also provided opportunities for hiking in the area. Apparently pretty busy and crowded on weekends and earlier in the day on weekdays.
    • photophanatic 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Spent an afternoon walking the trails and doing photography.Close to Tucson proper, Sabino Canyon offers a retreat and opportunity for fresh air and exercise.Multiple walking trails of varying length and degree of difficulty. If you are not into/able to walk long distances there is a shuttle available for $9 that will take you to the top and has multiple stops in between. You can do on/off for one price.We were there on a Wednesday afternoon and the parking lot was about three-quarters full. As part of the National Forest, Sabino Canyon requires a $5/day fee for parking. If you have a National Park pass, you can use it and just place the pass on your dashboard.We could have spent an entire day there. Located in the eastern foothills of the Santa Catalina mountain range, Sabino Canyon offers an inexpensive activity for the entire family.
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