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haunted pillar

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  • haunted pillar
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    • shaen2014 图标 图标 图标

      The haunted pillar is not too spectacular. The story behind it is pretty cool but the pillar itself is not so impressive that one would even need to stop their car to take a look at it. It can easily be fully viewed for all its worth from a car as one is riding past. Google the history of the haunted pillar to learn more about it. Also, it's located right in Augusta's strip club area, which is kind of weird.
    • melsmarsh 图标 图标 图标

      One could say it was a pillar of the community, if that community happens to be haunted.Seriously it is a pillar at an intersection that my GPS did not want me to go to (claimed it could not find it). Since apparently if you touch the pillar you are supposed to die, this very well could be my last tripadvisor review. I like tempting fate.
    • H662UIjamesg 图标 图标 图标

      Well... I agree that is a pillar. I am not sure i would go out of my way to see it. At least it is free.
    • White_Kong 图标 图标 图标

      It's a concrete pillar. Not much to say other than it's a fun little stop, and the liquor store across the street is on point.
    • jaimeelsabio 图标 图标 图标

      Since there is little to see in Augusta, I stopped by the Pillar to kill a few minutes, if that. It's a Pillar from an old market that has supposedly been cursed. So, if you happen to be in Augusta and are bored, stop on by
    • amandabL7545NS 图标 图标 图标

      I was bored. I was in the area. It was easy to find parking although not much to see. Parked long enough to snap a picture. I wouldn't recommend going out of your way.
    • GoogleEarth_Traveler 图标 图标 图标

      This is a unique column surrounded by mystery in an odd location on the corner of an intersection. The building behind it, which is now a tattoo parol, has taken great opportunity to name their shop after the pillar and the mural on the store is very well done. I recommend that if you're in Augusta, why not swing by and take some pictures and dare to touch it. Drove by, parked, took pictures with 3 other friends, crossed it off and continued to our primary objective. Gave it 3 stars due to preservation, quick stop, and historic tie in; 1 additional star for mystery~.
    • SunnyJ158 图标 图标 图标

      it is a well known attraction to most in Augusta, GA. children like to ride by it and say there it is, there it is. It is just one pillar on a street corner downtown to any one else but it is part of the great history of the town and has an unusual story that is easy to goggle.
    • MariaD243 图标 图标 图标

      I have lived in Augusta all my life. The haunted pillar is just a post that is on the corner of the street. No need for anyone to take a tour to see it, or pay any money to learn facts about it. It's in a bad part of downtown so don't go after dark, or with children or elderly because chances are you will get robbed, stabbed, or killed. A lot of prostitute's hang around this area too, since the only strip clubs in Augusta are located only minutes away from the pillar. I would really hate for anyone to take to much time out of their stay in Augusta thinking that this is an actual attraction.
    • Go-whenever-I-can 图标 图标 图标

      We were bored and needed something to do with our grandson soldier that we were visiting. Drove around downtown a bit, and stopped to see the pillar. Luckily I had some background info to read about it, or it would seem like nothing. It seems that the pillar was once part of a building that stood there. An itinerant preacher was kicked out of town, and as he left he said that one day the building would be knocked down and all that would remain would be this pillar....to remind the city of him. A few months later a tornado came through and did just that (see the picture that the tour guide is holding up) Then, anyone who tried to move or knock down the pillar was killed. So it remains today. A little hokey, but hey, if you are in the area, stop and see it and then go down the street to the James Brown, godfather of soul, statue as well.
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