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kadie the cow of columbus

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  • kadie the cow of columbus
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    • Atomic_Roads 图标 图标 图标

      I don't really understand why it's right next to best buy. I wish someone would move it to a more scenic location, such as outside the Columbus Museum.Anyway, if you are in the area, be sure to stop and take a family photo posing with the cow.
    • KilianErz 图标 图标 图标

      Its something unusual to see. But once you see it. Its nothing special but a cow with horns. I did not know what the cow was called until now. Not worth a visit unless your going to Best Buy.
    • Henrysmarketer 图标 图标 图标

      This explains alot about columbus ga.. the mascot is a male cow with udders. This is either purposefully done as a joke or people are just not noticing this error.
    • YouKnowMeAsNate 图标 图标 图标

      *words cannot express*Speechless. No really. I feel like it would be an injustice if I gave a speech right now.
    • PATRICIAN111 图标 图标 图标

      I remember Katie (you misspelled it, not me!) the cow from the time I was very young. I attended Gentian Road Elementary School for a short time in 2nd grade, the Kinnett Dairy was where our milk came from. Katie is still a landmark for me; she brings back fond memories. I was glad they didn't remove her when the dairy closed.
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