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madison morgan cultural center

  • 景点介绍
  • madison morgan cultural center
  • 景点印象
    • BrewsterPug 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      The museum offers a surprisingly comprehensive presentation of the history and culture of the region and the building itself is a gem. The galleries are well arranged with thematic progressions through historic and cultural developments. While the layout promotes a stroll through history that can be enjoyed in under an hour, there is ample content to absorb 2-3 hours. Not a destination unto itself but one wouldn't visit the museum without taking time to see the amazing architecture and culture of Madison.Pros: Professional displays, well maintained, broad scope addresses many facets of local culture, pleasant and knowledgeable staff, comprehensive yet not at all overwhelming, the building itself.Cons: Children will wear out quickly but with the building being an old graded school house they will take a greater interest than similar museums, lacks interactive and multimedia displays.Tip: there are gaps between rotating exhibits so try to coordinate your trip during an exhibit.This rating is for the building and museum only and doesn't address cultural events presented by the MMCC. This isn't the Smithsonian but it earns 5 stars relative to size, scope, and quality of a rural attraction.
    • jeepinmudgirl 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      The Cultural Center hosts art shows periodically throughout the year. You'll be lucky if you time your visit during one of the exhibits or events. If not then it is worth seeing their collection of the regional piedmont area through the years in the small museum. Admission is a few dollars. The building was the old school and houses an incredible auditorium where the band R.E.M. filmed their "Losing My Religion" video. It's a vibrant center and worth a visit.
    • Tangaroa 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      I guess with all the attention to Madison I expected a lot more especially after having done some of the antebellum trail in Louisiana. If you are in the area worth a stop but not as a destinstion in my opinion very dissappointed.
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