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the church of our lady of the rock

  • 景点介绍
  • the church of our lady of the rock
    In honour of the protector of seafarers and fishermen, this island - one...
  • 景点印象
    • RuthW257 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Took a boat from Perast to the man made isle with the church. The church itself is astounding and there are lovely views of the bay!
    • cromercanary 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Took a Herceg Novi bound bus from Kotor to Perast. Perast is tiny and has no bus station so be warned the bus bypasses the main village on the top road. The ticket collector yelled 'Perast' as the bus stopped in a lay by. (There is a bus that serves both Perast-> Kotor to get home. It stops in front of the main hotel in town)Perast is a photographer's dream. The blue fjord with two islands just off shore, Venetian palaces converted to museums, several churches and lovely terracing on the waters edge for dining or quaffing. Or both.The man-made island of Our Lady of the Rocks began life as a shipwreck. Over the years, sailors returning to the fjord brought rocks and other ballast and so the island grew to what you see today. It is STILL growing, as there's a rock throwing fiesta on July 22nd each year.As you stroll the waterfront in the village, there's no shortage of willing boat owners eager to take you over the the island - and collect you 45 minutes later, for a 5 euro fee per person.The crossing only takes five minutes then there's the small church and a tiny but interesting museum to explore, full of musket balls, cannons, and most things seafaring / warfaring.Guides are there to explain in Italian, German, French and English the story of the island and church. To be fair, 45 minutes is enough time. Our boat skipper decided it was our lucky day, as we set foot on the other island of St George which I was led to believe is off-limits. There is a 12th c monastery and a graveyard on this tiny island but no access to either so our 'lucky day' wasn't all it could have been ;)In summary, if you're in or near the Boka Kotorska, it's well worth allocating a couple of hours stopover in the gorgeous village of Perast.
    • Hauptstadtreisende 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      built on top of the hulls of more than 200 sunk priate and merchant ships, a nice story and a lovely little church, worth while a visit
    • catherineabell 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      We took a boat ride out to the church and walked around and the went inside the church and museum and gift shop. Definitely worth a visit and the short boat ride over.
    • mysterynana 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Visiting the Lady of the Rock is quite an experience. The church was built by the villagers of Parist. They carried the rocks over on row boats. It took them several years to build. Inside the church are beautiful frescos and a very ornate alter.
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