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  • 景点介绍
  • 圣母教堂
  • 景点印象
    • FatherKen 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Yesterday I visited the church in Mosta called the Rotunda, which once you see it, makes perfect. It is just a short ride from Valletta central bus terminal.... ticket costs 1.50 euros for the whole day (!)... and stops directly in front of the church. Inside it is a beautiful church, full of mosaics, statues, and impressive religious symbolism. But the really interesting thing about the Rotunda is the miracle which happened there in April 1942,during an bombing run by the Luftwaffe. To find out more about this go to the small museum/ treasury on the left side of the main altar,... a small doorway, not requiring a ticket. There you will see a replica of the bomb which fell on the church, but didn't explode. The faithful of the church attribute it to intervention from the Blessed Virgin Mary. Go, read the reports.... decide for yourself. But don't try to convince the 300 worshipers who were inside the church when the bomb came through the roof that it was just a coincidence! Take your time and enjoy this beautiful "miraculous" church.
    • spruceypi 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      This is a wonderful building and in a great position. The architecture is amazing and it was well laid out. The pictures and decoration inside was outstanding and it had a very calming atmosphere inside.
    • KSBW48 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      The Mosta Dome is a really lovely church. The largest unsupported dome and one of the most interesting churches I have visited. There are lots of impressive and fine paintings and figurines and the story about the bomb that went right through the dome during Second World War is supported with a replica and further information in pictures. It is only open to the public until 12 noon, so visit early.
    • Darrandurus 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      When in Rome…When in Mosta visit the RotundaCannot fail to impress even for the non religiousBeautiful Church,beautiful history
    • RangerRoger 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Mosta Rotunda church boasts the third largest unsupported dome in the world and was nearly destroyed during World War II when a bomb came through the dome of the church but failed to explode. Another two bombs also bounced off the dome and ended in the square without exploding either. A replica bomb has now been installed in the sacristy as a memorial to the event. NOTE - CHURCH CLOSED from about 1145 to 1500hrs so visit early or after 3pm. No admission charge.Travel from Valletta on number 15 bus or from Sliema on 225 (actually the same bus which changes its number on arrival in Sliema from 15 to 225)..
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