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azure window

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  • azure window
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    • Ardmalin 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Heard about the Azores window for a while by my brother but didn't expect it to be as wild. We visited in March when the sea was rough, it made for great sea views but people was going to close to the edge for that quality photo, the week earlier 2 Tourists were washed over so be careful , we ate at the Resturant and it was very nice with a great view of the inland sea. Very nice
    • JackieT332 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Wow what a beautiful place.The rocks are pock marked,very rough, don't make for comfortable seating, but I imagine a geologists dream. You have to be careful of walking, but it makes it more interesting.The views are amazingThere are lots of fossils, and sea creatures remains in the rocks too.
    • tevia406 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Azure window on the island of Gozo very nice day out lovely view s out to see through this rocky window a must to see nice place for a picnic very busy but nice another jem to see don't miss out when you are there
    • mpet72 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      After having the wettest February in Malta history, we finally got a nice sunny day. What a great sight as you come down the twisty road and see the Azure Window in the sun. It's surrounded by a moonscape of rock with rockpools which are great to walk thru. What a view!!! It's a must see!!!
    • NeilP390 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      This spectacular natural arch set against the azure Mediterranean sea is well worth a trip to see. It was used as the backdrop for the wedding of Khal Drogo and Daenerys in the first season of "A Game of Thrones" (amazing what you can learn from in-flight magazines, isn't it?) There's a couple of flights of steps going down to the rocks, but the rocks themselves are very uneven and razor sharp, almost like the surface of an alien planet, so I wouldn't recommend acting out any of the wedding scene there! ;)Also be very aware of what the sea is doing; the rocks in front of the arch where everyone goes for photos are exposed. Most of the time this is perfectly safe but if the wind is up and the sea is high it can be very dangerous. Two people were swept away by high waves the week after we visited.To get there make sure you take the direct road from Victoria (Triq l-Gharb.) Don't be tempted to try the coast road from the south as it's just a track and virtually impassible if there's been any rain!
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