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church of st. john the baptist

  • 景点介绍
  • church of st. john the baptist
  • 景点印象
    • Mark_NIron 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Slightly off the beaten track but easy enough to get to as you can see it from miles away. We didn't get the chance to go inside but walked around the outside.Definitely worth a visit
    • Travellover482013 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      No one should miss visiting this Marvellous treasure build and beautifully adorned by the KNIGHTS OF MALTA. It really looks normal on the front facade!! Going inside and visiting the Museum is A MUST. All visitors leave this Cathedral AMAZED with all they see. DO NOT MISS.
    • profjoypc 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      The Church of St John the Baptist in Xewkija is a truly amazing building that can be seen from afar and from various places if you are touring around the island becuause of its incredible size. It is well worth spending some time going to visit it. Any visit here enables you to appreciate a fine Church with its lovely ecclesiastical atmosphere and features, but also to appreciate the amazing building and its surroundings from an architectural point of view. It is the largest of the many churches in Gozo, and has the third largest unsupported dome in the world. This dome is some 75 metres high and the scale of it on such a small island has to be seen to be believed. Made from local limestone, building of this church started in the 1950s (on the site of an earlier one) but it was only consecrated in 1978. If every person in Xewkija was inside, there would still be space to spare. For those who do not suffer from vertigo, a trip to the top is a must as it affords absolutely spectacular views over the whole island and beyond.
    • Mooglove 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      We were met by a lovely chap who told us a all about the church, and the original church of the sculpture which was in a side chapel (don't miss this if you visit, it is beautiful). The church itself is a lovely bright open joyful place, the interior reminded me a lot of Ta Pinu. However it is the roof and bell tower which the most spectacular things about this church. A lift takes you up to the roof and that is when the vertigo sets in. The views across the island, and across to Comino and Malta are wonderful (I'm running out of superlatives here). If you have visited the Citadel and gazed across the island you will be blown away by the expanse (quite literally - it was a windy day when we visited). The circuit you make around the rotunda takes you into little enclosed spaces then presents vistas to you in a natural, well thought out way. However during your walk around the dome you are still aware that this is a place of worship, not simply a tourist attraction, which I thought was important. There is a little bridge that connects the main rotunda with the bell tower, and some steps up to the bells themselves, although we didn't explore this part as I had a severe attack of vertigo (who knew I had vertigo?!) when crossing over the path - I nearly didn't make it back again. My husband pointed out to me a ladder propped up on tops of one of the walls against the dome, where someone was obviously changing the bulbs that decorate the church - this nearly had me on the floor! Whilst I would caution someone who does have a fear of heights, I really enjoyed it despite being terrified at points and having legs like jelly at others. So I would recommend you go up.
    • BigWoo 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      This is a fascinating, huge, church which can be seen for miles around. Capable of accommodating a congregation far bigger than the population of the village in which it is situated, it is very well worth a visit.
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