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enver hoxha pyramid

  • 景点介绍
  • enver hoxha pyramid
  • 景点印象
    • D2142 图标 图标 图标

      Built as a folly for the tomb of the communist dictator Hoxha, but since has fallen into disrepair. Its ugly and in the middle of the city! The outside is used by young people, who climb to the top, and the inside has a TV channel based there. Its interesting as a historical fact - but not something to plan to look at for more than 2/3 minutes!
    • zuco161107 图标 图标 图标

      its dirty colored with paints broken glasses .not interesting .bad part of albanian history.i not recomanded .not good spend time
    • JillandGeoff 图标 图标 图标

      What do you do with a mausoleum for a unpopular reminder of the past. Well, not much. Having been several things over the years (not that many years), it is now semi-derelict. However, it seems like the place where the kids come to hang out. Not at the bottom, but to climb to the top and then walk carefully down. Or run down for the brave.It must be a prime site for development in the centre of the city, so don't expect it to be around too much longer.
    • Bev082 图标 图标 图标

      Some say the pyramid is an eye sore in Tirana …. maybe it is!! But it is part of their history … built as a museum to Hoxha, some say a mausoleum …designed by his daughter and son-in-law … the now derelict pyramid is worth visiting .. it marks an era … huge debate is ..to restore it or knock it down … but definitely worth a visit ...
    • Saranger 图标 图标 图标

      The history behind this urban oddity is fascinating (I won't repeat it here) and it represents an important period in Albania's history. That said, it has fallen on hard times. It was a TV studio and then an art gallery and now sits abandoned and is rapidly deteriorating. That is too bad because it could be (with a substantial investment) a striking focal point in the city. But, we wait and see if it will remain standing or will be demolished. Even making it go away costs money which isn't that easy to find.In the meantime, go there, take a seat, think about what and whom the pyramid represents and hopefully it's pointing in the direction Albania is headed: up and to the top!
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